The 8 Principals of Data Protection The Act regulates the use of “personal data”. To understand what this means we need first to look at how the Act works or defines the word “data” Data means; information which- a) is being processed by operating automatically in response to instructions given for that purpose. b) Is recorded with the intention that it should be processed. c) Is recorded as part of a relevant filing system with the intention that it should form part of relevant
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------------------------------------------------- The Data Protection Act (UK – 1998‚ Malta – 2001): The DPA concerns the “collection‚ recording‚ organization‚ storage‚ adaptation‚ alteration‚ retrieval‚ gathering‚ use‚ disclosure‚ blocking‚ erasure or destruction of personal data”. The purpose of the Data Protection Act: a. The purpose of the DPA is to protect living individuals against the misuse of their personal data. Examples of such misuse could include exposing of personal data
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able to trust us as practitioners to keep their information private. Confidentiality of any individuals who deal with the nursery is to be respected at all times‚ however if a child is believed to be at risk or has been harmed in any way then child protection procedures take precedence and confidentiality may have to broken. Giving out information unless in the case of the above could have serious consequences. Not only would the trust between the individual and the setting is lost but also the individual
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holidays‚ and any other entitlements and benefits provided. Workers have the right to have access or received a copy of their personal information held and can seek compensation for damages or distress suffered as result of a breach of the Data Protection Act. The Information Commissioner’s Office also has the power to issue monetary penalties to organisations for serious breaches of the Act. 2 Types of data to be collected and explain how each support HR Two of the key data collected and
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ASSIGNMENT NO. 1 Victory Training and Development Institute Kingdom of Bahrain Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Written Handout (Word Count: 668) Assignment submitted in part fulfillment of the requirement for the (3RAI) Core Unit – (3RAI)- Foundation Level Prepared By | Ahmed Malek | Programme Title | Recording‚ Analyzing‚ and Using HR Information | Assignment Title | 3RAI | CIPD Membership No. | | Personal Tutor | | Submission | 1st Attempt |
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US Customs and Border Protection is the largest law enforcement agency in the United States. There are more than 46‚000 sworn federal agents and officers operating at 328 ports of entry throughout the country. CBP officers and agents primary mission is to prevent terrorists and any type of terrorist weapons from entering into the United States. CBP is also responsible for protection our borders from any and all individuals‚ drugs and other contraband trying to enter our borders illegally. On any
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THE ASSESSMENT OF INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS AND MUNICIPAL LAWS IN RELATION TO THE PROTECTION OF COASTAL ENVIRONMENT: THE CASE OF DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA By Christopher Elly Nsemwa A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of Masters of Laws (International Law) of Mzumbe University Mzumbe University June 2012 CERTIFICATION We the undersigned‚ certify that we have read and hereby recommend for acceptance by the Mzumbe University‚ a dissertation entitled The
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knowledge and understanding on confidentiality. There are different types of confidentiality. It is the right of every parents/carer that information about them is respected‚ kept in confidence‚ safely‚ securely and in the accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. A teaching assistant needs to understand how important it is to respect confidentiality if we went to gain and keep respect of other adults and parents in the settings‚ although it is the most difficult to maintain. There is also legislation
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CIS333 CIPA Omar K. Coley June 3‚ 2012 Strayer University “The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is a federal law enacted by Congress to address concerns about access to offensive content over the Internet on school and library computers. CIPA imposes certain types of requirements on any school or library that receives funding for Internet access or internal connections from the E-rate program – a program that makes certain communications technology more affordable for eligible schools
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Sense keeps records such as daily logs‚ lesson plan‚ medication sheets‚ accident sheets‚ incidents sheets‚ behaviour forms and many more that related directly to day to day running of the resource centre. All of these records are under the data protection Act and are only allowed to be forwarded or given to people or organisations that are directly involved with the students and the organisation. Lesson plans‚ evaluations‚ achievements and expenses are the most important ones because these are the
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