Out Come 2
Understand the relationships between Teachers and other professionals in lifelong learning.
C Summarise own responsibilities in relation to others professionals:
At sense we keep quiet a few records, records at Sense are made in order to provide evidence that learning and teaching is taking place. This provides data that are used for evaluating that the budget is being spent wisely and as intended. It serves as a focal point for all organisations in case there are legal implications that might take place in the future. Sense keeps records such as daily logs, lesson plan, medication sheets, accident sheets, incidents sheets, behaviour forms and many more that related directly to day to day running of the resource centre. All of these records are under the data protection Act and are only allowed to be forwarded or given to people or organisations that are directly involved with the students and the organisation. Lesson plans, evaluations, achievements and expenses are the most important ones because these are the papers that we presents to OFSTED the learning skills council and social services to prove that budget allocated for students are given that value for money is taking place. These records are also used for internal and external auditing which takes place on a yearly basis. Relevant records such as progress reports which is done on a six monthly basis for each student, these are then forward onto parents, guardians, house managers for residential students and in some cases to court hence there are students who are a ward of court. Paper work such as lesson plans are kept because they serve as the basis when making either six monthly or the yearly report for each students and without these lesson plan justifying report is very difficult. Also we use these to record the objectives they have achieved and to produce some new ones.
Register is a record sense keeps. This record is to record if the students attend the day at