The Consumer Protection Act‚ 1986 Introduction The earlier principle of “Caveat Emptor” or “let the buyer beware” which was prevalent has given way to the principle of “consumer is king”. The origins of this principle lie in the fact that in today’s mass production economy‚ where there is little contact between the producer and consumer‚ often sellers make exaggerated claims through advertisements‚ which they do not intend to fulfill. This leaves the consumer in a difficult position with
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susceptible information. Privacy can effortlessly be violated when information is stored in databases and shared over networks. Ethical problems due to advances in IT call for the creation of new acts to protect consumers. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) of 1991 and the Do Not Call Implementation Act of 2003 are two perfect examples of Acts being created as direct results of IT advancements coupled with ethical issues. What were the advances in information technology that resulted
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DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 GUIDANCE TO SOCIAL SERVICES March 2000 CONTENTS Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Introduction Glossary of terms Good practice in record keeping Principles underpinning good practice A policy framework Retention and destruction of records Records subject to statutory requirements Management commitment to good practice 4 8 14 14 15 16 17 17 Contents page 1 Section 4 Details of the Act and its implementation Access to social services records Personal
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protection Describe the legislation and organisational requirements in care setting such as Queensland that ensure good practise in dealing with confidentiality. Legalisation Legalisation means when there is a set of a law or the process in which you are doing and the government has approved it. The three main pieces of legalisation that are connected to confidentiality. They are: • Data protection act 1998 • Access to personal files act 1987 • Access to medical records act 1990
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Task 3 links to learning outcome 1‚ assessment criteria 1.3. • Confidentiality and data protection are vital when running a home based childcare service. Write an explanation of the importance of both. Confidentiality The definition of ‘confidential’ is; 1. Done or communicated in confidence; secret. 2. Entrusted with the confidence of another: a confidential secretary. 3. Denoting confidence or intimacy: a confidential tone of voice. 4. Containing information‚ the unauthorised
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Basics of Fire Prevention On board Ships The best way to deal with fires on board ships is to prevent them rather than letting them occur. Breaking out of fire in a place where no fire exist is called “ignition”‚ whereas “flash” is a term used for fire eruption in a new place as a result of flames from an existing fire in a nearby place (the ignition source). Fires on board ships can be prevented by finding and rectifying leakages of fuel oil‚ lubricating oil‚ and exhaust gases. In a ship’s generator
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Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)‚ 1991 Juel A. Todman BIS/220 Introduction to Computer Application and Systems June 16‚ 2014 Dr. David Wagner Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)‚ 1991 Advances in Information Technology have made access to sensitive information with great concern. Privacy has to be paramount as the internet broadens its horizon strategically. Various acts had to be implemented to protect the privacy of individuals. The act that I am going to talk about is the
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The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) is a United Kingdom Act of Parliament which defines UK law on the processing of data on identifiable living people. It is the main piece of legislation that governs the protection of personal data in the UK. Although the Act itself does not mention privacy‚ it was enacted to bring UK law into line with the EU data protection directive of 1995 which required Member States to protect people’s fundamental rights and freedoms and in particular their right to privacy
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Princess Protection Program contains some scenes with mild‚ unrealistic violence. The evil General Kane comes in with armed men to take over Costa Luna and incarcerate the Princess and her mother‚ some fighting ensues‚ and Joe Mason has to swoop in and rescue the Princess. Some scenes in the movie also involve mild slapstick violence -- things like kids slipping and falling or smashing food on each other. Mean kids in the movie play pranks and say sarcastic‚ rude things to others‚ and some dresses
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The data protection act of 1998 was implemented in march 2000. Personal data qualifies as any information that relates to an individual in which everybody has a right to access their own. The data protection act allows individuals to feel secure and protected and deprived of any worry or stress by leaving the responsibility of their personal information in the hands of a professional. The data protection act meets legal and regulatory requirements‚ including record keeping. Personal data stored on
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