"Protection" Essays and Research Papers

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    Data Protection

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    Introduction In this report I am going to explain data protection‚ talk about the data protection acts‚ rights and principles. I’m going to talk about a data controller and a data processor and what their responsibilities are. What personal and sensitive data are. What a data receiver is and what his rights are‚ what is involved in direct marketing and I will mention an example of abuse or corruption that occurred in Ireland. Data protection acts Data protection is legal control over and access to use of data

    Premium Privacy Data Human rights

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    and the complainant also entitled to get Rs. 5000/- for irresponsible act of the respondent. 14. That this Hon’ble Forum under the Consumer Protection Act has jurisdiction to try and entertain the present complaint. PRAYER In view of the above submissions‚ it is most respectfully prayed that the Hon’ble Forum may graciously be pleased to direct the respondent: I. To issue the rectify

    Premium Legal terms The Honourable Defendant

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    Border Protection

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    Border protection has been an issue in the United States for much longer than what most Americans would think. Citizens in today’s society seem to think of border protection has a job for the border patrol to catch illegal aliens and drugs being smuggled into this country. The truth is that border protection is much more than just catching the smuggling. Some seem to forget much about our history of trade and imports. Where is this nation heading with our borders. Is building walls the answer or

    Premium U.S. Customs and Border Protection United States Department of Homeland Security

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    Child Protection

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    Child protection: Evaluation of policies and procedures influenced by legislation and historical context. Throughout this evaluation I aim to identify the positive and negative factors that support and influence the formation and structure of our policies and procedures; surrounding safeguarding and child protection. We cannot understand current procedures for child protection unless we understand past experience and how lessons from history have informed current practice. Safeguarding has been

    Premium Child abuse Sexual abuse Domestic violence

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    consumer protection act 1986

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    • 13 Pages

    money put in purchasing a product‚ some times‚ due to defects in the product‚ the buyer is injured as well. In all such cases‚ there is a violation of a legal right of the buyer and he is entitled to sue the seller. Before enactment of the Consumer Protection Act‚ 1986‚ filing a civil suit for damages was the only option available to an aggrieved buyer. However‚ such a suit is very expensive and time consuming‚ because of which‚ buyers were not able to use this mechanism for relatively smaller amounts

    Premium Consumer protection

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    data protection

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    • 9 Pages

    ict policy Data Protection ICT/DPP/2010/10/01   1. Policy Statement 1.1. Epping Forest District Council is fully committed to compliance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 which came into force on the 1st March 2000. 1.2. The council will therefore follow procedures that aim to ensure that all employees‚ elected members‚ contractors‚ agents‚ consultants‚ partners or other servants of the council who have access to any personal data held by or on behalf of the

    Premium Data Protection Act 1998 Computer Misuse Act 1990 Access control

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  • Good Essays

    CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT 1986(COPRA) The Consumer Protection Act‚1986 is a milestone in the history of socio-economic legislation in the country. It is one of the most progressive‚comprehensive and unique pieces of legislation enacted for better protecting the interest of consumers by establishing forums for settlement of consumer disputes. All the provision of the Consumer Protection Act. 1986 came into force with effect from 1.7.1987 throughout the country except in the state of Jammu & Kashmir

    Free Consumer protection Consumer

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  • Good Essays

    Dear Shakyside Motors: Please be informed that Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haskell have retained this Law Office in regards to their claim against you and your business. This letter is sent to you in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act as found in the Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts‚ Chapter 93A. Herewith‚ demand upon you for relief under the pursuant statue is made. The purpose of this correspondence is to encourage you to provide fair and just relief to said

    Premium Law Automobile Consumer protection

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  • Good Essays

    safeguard and promote the welfare of children‚ under (section 175 of the Education Act 2002.) Furthermore we have to follow the guidance of ‘Safeguarding’ children/young people within a Safer Recruitment in ‘Education DfES 2007’‚ as the safety and protection of all children/young people are of paramount importance. Safeguarding children/young people‚ under the Children Act of ‘2004’‚ which always defines‚ ‘safeguarding and promoting the welfare’ of children/young people as: * Protecting children

    Premium Law Data Protection Act 1998 Core issues in ethics

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    Consumer Protection Paper – Super Size Me Based on our group discussion‚ we came into a conclusion that Consumer Protection are made to ensure fair transactions and along with that are truthful information’s in the marketplace. This is advantageous especially consumers‚ so that they would not fall into the traps of businesses that will not do them any good. This is also to save them from businesses that are engaged in fraud or any unfair practices that the company does. The four basic rights

    Premium Nutrition Coca-Cola Consumer protection

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