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    Competitive Intelligence

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    Essay Topic: Business competition in this modern day is getting fierce. One of the key strategic tools usually used by executives in top companies to stay ahead of their competitors is though utilizing "Competitive Intelligence". Describe what is Competitive Intelligence‚ it’s process‚ goals and some major benefits of using it in helping business to stay competitive in the markets. The competition in this new era of business environment is getting more and more

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    Artificial Intelligence

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    Artificial Intelligence We have come so far… Some might say that Artificial Intelligence was first seen in ancient history with mythological gods. Others believe the idea was created in early 1940’s. These are still debated between many scientists. Artificial Intelligence means much more than an idea to those who have dedication their lives to this science. In this paper I will be discussing the history‚ progress‚ and future of Artificial Intelligence‚ or as some know it (A.I

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    Types of Intelligences

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    Gardner 1993 believed that there are seven different kinds of intelligences that are independent of one another. They are: Linguistic intelligence: the ability to use language effectively.This intelligence includes making convincing and persuasive arguments; writing poems and using appropriate vocabulary‚ observing subtle differences in meaning of words while communicating with others. _ MUSIICAL IINTELLIIGENCE:: This is the ability for creating understating and appreciating music. This includes

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    Multiple Intelligences

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    Mulitple Intelligences Question 3 Howard Gradner distinguishes eight domains of ability in his theory of multiple intelligences. Briefly discuss each of these intelligences and explain how you will apply any four of them in your classroom. Howard Gardener distinguishes eight domains of ability in his theory of multiple intelligences: linguistic/verbal‚ logical/mathematical‚ spatial‚ musical/rhythmic‚ physical/kinaesthetic‚ interpersonal and intrapersonal‚ and naturalistc. The first type

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    Artificial Intelligence

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    seen the movie Artificial Intelligence by Steven Spielberg (or mostly everyone). The first thing they think it is would be simple‚ Robots. Robots who act and look like humans. The answer to what is Artificial Intelligence is truly bigger than a lot of human beings. I’m saying this because with all honesty Artificial Intelligence started out with something that most people do not have after the age of 10. That something is called “an imagination”. Artificial Intelligence is engineering and science

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    Human Intelligence

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    Human Intelligence Regarding Variation Maya Angelou once said‚ “Some people unable to go to school were more educated and even more intelligent than college professors”. According to Dictionary.com‚ the term “intelligence” means‚ “capacity for learning‚ reasoning‚ understanding‚ and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths‚ relationships‚ facts‚ meanings‚ etc.” .The idea or theory that states that human intelligence varies depending on the different races‚ is extremely unethical

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    Multiple Intelligence

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    Frames of Mind‚ he proposes that there are seven main areas in which all people have special skills; he calls them intelligences. His research at Harvard University was in response to the work that Alfred Binet had done in France around 1900. Binet’s work led to the formation of an intelligence test; we are all familiar with the "intelligence quotient‚" or "IQ‚" the way that intelligence is measured on his test. This type of IQ test was used as the basis of another one with which most of us are

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    Multiple Intelligence

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    1 Tapping into Multiple Intelligences to Teach Information Literacy Skills Sally Brewer (2005) Abstract (Summary) One of the major questions that classroom teachers wrestle with is what strategy or method to use when teaching their students. One of the theories that library media specialists are finding to be effective as they teach information literacy skills is Howard Gardner ’s theory of multiple intelligences. Brewer reviews Gardner ’s work and the work of other researchers in this area

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    Artificial Intelligence

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    Artificial Intelligence A machine is said to be intelligent if it deceives a human into believing that it was a human. What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is concerned with building machines that can act‚ react and adapt themselves in response to a variety of situation and display behavior at least comparable to normal Human Intelligence History & Origin of AI The history of AI is as old as human history. Primitive man invented games like chess as today

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    Competitive Intelligence

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    competition in this age of information overload is with Competitive Intelligence (Penoyer‚ 2002). What is Competitive Intelligence? Competitive Intelligence is a process where one collects‚ analyze‚ and transform information about the organization’s competitors into intelligence so you can manage the future and increase the effectiveness of your business (Lawrence & Weber‚ 2011‚ pg. 35). Examples of Competitive Intelligence include everything from collecting the annual reports of your competition

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