is theistic. Pantheism is the belief that the universe (nature) and god are identical. Pantheists believe that “god” is best seen as a process of relating to the universe. Theism is the belief that at least one deity exists. Hindus believe in reincarnation‚ the idea that when you die your soul is passed on to another life. Karma‚ your good and bad deeds‚ determines your next life. In Christianity‚ there are two options for afterlife. Heaven and Hell. If you lead a mostly sin-free life‚ you are accepted
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The rest would be tortured or live on as mere shadows of their previous existence in the Underworld. Hinduism is a religion without a known beginning which takes on many diverse forms. However‚ some common elements exist among its many forms. Reincarnation is the Hindu belief that after dying the spirit returns in another
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Buddhism ha the five precepts wich are like the Ten Commandments in the Bible. The five precepts are do not kill‚ do not steal‚ don’t lie‚ don’t misuse sex‚ and don’t consume alcohol or drugs. One of the things that they firmly believe in is reincarnation. Reincarnation is the concept that people are reborn after death. Christianity originated in present day Israel while it was under Roman rule wich is estimated to have been about 2‚000 years ago. Christians believe in God who is the father and our
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another. The soul undergoes its own karma‚ the law of cause and effect‚ by which each person creates his own destiny based on his thought‚ words and deeds. The soul undergoes this karma in the rounds of reincarnation. The soul incarnates through different forms (called samsara or reincarnation) until it reaches liberation (moksha) from the repetition of birth and death. No one individual founded Vedic culture‚ and there is no single prophet‚ holy book or way of
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Dalai Lama is considered one of the most important religious personalities in the world‚ our main focus in this essay will be on the fourteenth Dalai Lama of Tibet‚ Tenzin Gyatso. He was born in (1935) and was recognized at the age of two as the reincarnation of the thirteenth Dalai lama and receiving a doctrine in philosophy at the age of 25. Dalai Lama means the ”ocean of wisdom” and the word Lama means “Guru “ in Indian meaning a teacher. The Dalai lama had a various reputations all over the world
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yoga to combine the body ‚ mind and intellect to attain perfect harmony or alignment. Cleanliness of the body and home are very important for Hindus. So they takes early morning bathing and early evening bathing. Hindus believe in reincarnation. The body is usually cremated within twenty-four hours following death. Death is considered the starting point for rebirth. Hindus are mainly strict vegetarians. They refuse to consume any meat or animal by-products including medication
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• Led Turkish army to capture an Iranian city • it was already a vulnerable region • envisioned a utopian Islamic world (1) Claim lineage from 13th century Sufi leader—Safi al-Din (2) Reincarnation of the “hidden” Twelfth Imam of Shi’a Islam (3) Claim of divinity as the “God-shah” maybe reincarnation of Allah himself!! ii) Sufi belief in the transmission of mystical powers • maybe a redeemer figure iii) Qizilbash fanaticism • sometimes went into battle unarmed; believed Isma’il’s power
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dominant religion in India. Hindu’s worship at the temple (Mandir). Hindu worship is called puja and encompasses the ceremonial practices that take place at home or in the Temple. The goal of the religion is to break the cycle or birth‚ death‚ reincarnation‚ and to attain salvation. The sects of Hinduism include Vaishnava‚ Shaivaya‚ and Shaktism. The goal of Shaivism is Mokish‚ Mukti or Veedu‚ realizing ones identity with God Shiv‚ in perfect
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implied that in order for women to be healthy‚ they had to obey men (Science Museum‚ “Rest Cure” par. 3). Furthermore‚ the treatment of hysteria was used to frighten women away from education (Taylor‚ “Death of neurasthenia and its psychological reincarnation” par. 8). At the time‚ it was believed that “educat[ing] women
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on praising sun ? Sunny days have their own SPECIALITY . I want to tell you few facts. (1). Sun is a powerful plannet in the galaxy. In VEDAS ‚ Sun God is the source for Agni an embodiment of knowledge also. Hanuman learnt Vedas from Sun as per Ramayana. (2) By movement of Earth Sun is forming day and nights. (3). Sun rays are healthy. " AAROGYAM BHAASKARAA DICHCHET". We know people take Sun- bath for various reasons. They contain vit.D. (4). In Yoga SURYA NAMASKARAS take important place. Inspire
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