Driving is fun‚ but drinking and driving is not! Hundreds of people are killed and thousands are injured every year in an accident with a drunk driver. This issue doesn’t only affect the victim itself‚ but the families‚ loved ones and communities as well. Drunk driving amongst teens is a serious issue‚ and is growing by the minute. Drunk driving is somebody’s choice or somebody’s authorization to get behind the wheel when they are clearly impaired. The scars from a drunk driving accident take an
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33Luis Joel Perez Echevarria Prof. Jesus Ramirez Ingl. 3102 LDO The Young Persons in the Steering Wheel Car accidents can happen to drivers anytime‚ anywhere. ”According to the National Safety council‚ which stated that more that 2.5 million collisions. The most common type of car accidents it is also know that the accident rear end as incident of injury. Among the car accidents‚ the teenage group is the only age group who is number of deaths is increasing instead of decreasing. Also‚ all
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threat to their safety when other drivers around them are speeding‚ most of them say they also speed while driving. There are many reasons why a person may speed‚ such as they are in a hurry‚ they are not paying attenection to driving‚ they don’t take the traffic laws sesiuly or they don’t think the laws of driving apply to them‚ they dont think how they are driving is danguores to them or anyone around them‚ or they think that they will not get caught. Speeding drivers are less likely to wear seat belts
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college level. The topic is a problem because way too many underage people are getting behind the wheel after becoming intoxicated and it is taking way too many innocent lives. The issue is complex because it will be impossible to prevent every single person who drinks from getting behind the wheel no matter what laws they put into place. One of my best friends was killed by a drunk driver when I was a Sr. in high school so I thought it would be a good idea to learn more about what laws have been passed
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To stay sober or to find a designated driver‚ that should be the question Persuasive Essay ENG4U Due: March 9th 2010 For: Ms. Leroux-Simurda From Michelle Skippen One glass‚ two glasses‚ three glasses‚ before you know it you are drunk and you need to get home. You figure everything will be fine‚ considering you are a great driver‚ right? Wrong‚ drinking and driving is a deadly combination
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customer becomes intoxicated at their establishment and then injures someone or causes property damage‚ typically by driving drunk. I myself work at a nightclub as a bouncer and part of my job is make sure no one becomes overly intoxicated and if they do then my job is to make sure they do not get behind the wheel of a car. One of the problems I see with this law is that it becomes extremely hard to pin point an intoxicated person if they are not showing signs of being intoxicated. Doug Wolfson
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hours on life support before dying. Giovanni escaped with his leg broken in three places‚ but suffered a heart attack that kept him in the hospital for a month. Meyers’ blood alcohol was tested at .2‚ double the legal limit for driving while intoxicated. This was not the first time he would face charges for driving under the influence of alcohol‚ he has had his license suspended 26 times and has drunk driving convictions dating back to 1967. Although Meyers kept driving without a license‚ he
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point in our lives we have heard a news report that involved a drunk driver and an innocent victim. Usually these incidents are accidents where a person driving under the influence runs a red light or jumps a curb‚ hitting‚ and more often than not‚ killing an innocent person. These injuries and deaths are all easily preventable. In the United States‚ over 20% of all motor vehicle related deaths are caused by an impaired driver. Which is why this crime continues to be a national problem that takes
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taking its place. That threat is texting while driving and many say that it is actually more dangerous than drunk driving. Texting while driving a vehicle has now replaced drinking while driving as the leading cause of accidents and deaths of teenage drivers. Texting while driving and drinking while driving are similar in many ways yet different in others. Everyone knows that drinking and driving is precarious and can be fatal‚ but texting and driving is equally dangerous. Texting while driving is
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Drinking and driving has become the leading cause of deaths in today’s society. Each year the amount of people engaging in drunk driving increases greatly. Young teens to adults as well partake in the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol takes a toll on the human brain to cause people to make immoral decisions. Not only is this affecting yourself but the innocent people around you. Driving drunk can lead to serious penalties. Every day we see and hear terrible tragedies about the loss of loved ones
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