"School shooting" Essays and Research Papers

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    Shooting An Elephant

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    NOTES ON SHOOTING AN ELEPHANT 1) colonialism in "Shooting an Elephant." * George Orwell wrote this essay when England ruled Burma as a colony---much like it had ruled America during the colonial period. Colonialism occurred when many European nations simply took over countries because they believed their culture was superior to the native culture. The ideas of social darwinism‚ or survival of the strongest nations and/or people‚ played a large role in the domination and subjection of countries

    Premium George Orwell Burma British Empire

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    School shootings

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    School shootings School shootings are something horrible yet something that has occurred more than once in the USA. I have had a hard time understanding exactly how someone can pick up a gun and shoot people at their own age – people they’ve gone to school with‚ innocent people. I don’t understand how you can steal their life for no reason. It’s teenagers who suddenly shoot people – boys and girls who are supposed to be their friends. Why do they do this? The first person that did a school

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    School Shootings

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    The Causes of School Shootings School shootings have been on the rise. Many kids are feeling the pressure of growing up in a world that is constantly changing and some do not know how to handle the situations that surround them. No one knows the exact reasoning behind why school shootings have risen so rapidly‚ but many have suggested motives for why children feel pushed to turn to school violence. Bullying‚ mental illnesses‚ and lack of gun control all influence a child to act out in violence.

    Free Columbine High School massacre

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    Shooting an Elephant

    • 484 Words
    • 2 Pages

    Reader’s Response: “Shooting an Elephant” George Orwell’s essay‚ “Shooting an Elephant” tells the story of a British policeman in British occupied India‚ who faces a situation where he must either follow his morals or pretend to be something else in order to please the public. Obviously living in Burma in the early nineteen hundreds‚ as an Englishman‚ was not easy. Furthermore‚ serving as a steward of the law in a place oppressed by the country you are from‚ certainly will make a job difficult

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    School Shootings

    • 1809 Words
    • 8 Pages

    School Shootings I. Cases of where this has happened A. Columbine High School massacre B. Montreal‚ Canada shooting II. How can it be prevented A. Metal detectors 1. Efficiency 2. Private rights B. School Resource officers 1. Intimidating 2. Friend C. School Surveillance 1. Cost 2. Effectiveness D. Counseling III. Who is committing these crimes? A. Students B. Outcasts at school C. How they form groups IV. Why is this happening? A. Teasing B. Lost of old friends

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    Shooting an Elephant

    • 1203 Words
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    Analysis of “Shooting an Elephant” In the essay‚ Shooting an Elephant‚ George Orwell writes about his experiences as a British police officer in Burma‚ and compares it to the nature of imperialism. Orwell hates his job because imperialism has negatively affected him‚ as well as others around him. Orwell’; the white man is being treated very disrespectfully by the Burmese. Giving him a reason to hate his job as well as the British Empire; the root of everything. The situation of shooting of an elephant

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  • Better Essays

    and their families. This horrid event is known commonly as a school shooting‚ and sadly it may be coming to a school near you. This can be prevented but the signs are almost always missed. Nevertheless‚ the consequences for these horrendous acts have been slight in comparison to capital murderers. There has not been enough done to protect us as students. There are very numerous way to prevent the possibility of a mass shooting in school. From ensuring the mental wellness of students‚ creating certain

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    • 1266 Words
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    Shooting an Elephant

    • 934 Words
    • 4 Pages

    S. Zamb. November 29‚ 2001 “Shooting and elephant” Erick Arthur Blair better known as George Orwell was born in Mohitari‚ India on June 25‚ 1903. India into a family of the “lower-upper middle class. George Orwell’s education brought him to England where he was unable to win a scholarship to continue his studies. With a very few opportunities available‚ he followed his father’s path into service with the British Empire. Orwell joined the Indian Imperial Police from 1922 to 1927. When

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    Shooting an Elephant

    • 1279 Words
    • 6 Pages

    Joe Portaro Scott Tenney Project 2b "Shooting an elephant" The main purpose of George Orwell’s story “shooting an elephant” is not to show how or explain how to actually kill an elephant; his work demonstrates how people will react to a imperialistic situation‚ will they follow the crowd or will they hold their own beliefs and not let others change them. In Orwell’s case he had no intention of killing the elephant but because the crowd behind him was one he wanted‚ instead of being made fun of

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    Shooting an Elephant

    • 1225 Words
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    In George Orwell’s “Shooting an Elephant”‚ Orwell is presented with a task that causes him a great deal of stress as he battles with his internal conflict throughout the story. Orwell has mixed feelings after he kills the elephant. He feels wrong for killing the elephant because he feels that there could have been a more peaceful solution and killing it will bring more harm than good. He also feels that he killed it just because of his own pride. Although killing the elephant may seem wrong to

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