Observation # 4: Notes: It was 10:05am on Tuesday‚ October 20th‚ 2015: The class was cleaning up after their activity with gluing popsicle sticks to the drawn out number one. Once most of the children were finished with their project‚ the teacher said cheerily‚ “Alright my friends‚ who is all done with their craft! Wow! Look at all these wonderful number ones!” One toddler yelled out‚ “I done!” Another toddler said happily‚ “Look at my picter!” A third toddler jumped up and said‚ “I sticky! Bleh…”
Premium Education Number Play
Court Observation My court case observation was interesting‚ to say the least. I walked into the DeKalb county courthouse‚ in Auburn‚ Indiana‚ not knowing where to go‚ what to say or do‚ or even how to dress. By the time I left‚ I had learned far more than I planned on‚ and not just through observing . . . I sat in on three trials: two civil cases and one criminal case. Afterwards‚ I had the unique opportunity to talk with the judge and county bailiff for about half of an hour. The first
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Attachment Observation I observed a 27 month old boy at the a day care center. There were 20 other students present during my observation. I observed this child for approximately one hour in the morning and thirty minutes later in the day. During both of the times I was observing the child he had several crying spells. He would not play with the other children. When the class went outside he wanted to stay next to the caregiver and not interact with the other children. When the other toddlers
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Minor Essay Trimester 1‚ 2013 1) Are the observations of Realists‚ such as Hans Morgenthau‚ accurate in respect to their assessment of the importance of international law in contemporary world politics? Realists such as Hans Morgenthau and more recently Lloyd Gruber‚ base their theories on the assumption individuals‚ and hence states‚ act rationally to protect their own interests‚ the national interest. They believe states exist in a world of anarchy without an over arching authority.
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Child Observation Background The child that I chose to observe was a nine year old boy that I will refer to as Dan. Dan is a highly gifted child who‚ unfortunately‚ suffers from cerebral palsy‚ as well as panic attacks. His parents are divorced and he lives with his mother‚ who has remarried. His father who also has remarried‚ does have contact with him‚ though the relationship is somewhat strained. He comes from an upper middle class background‚ and has no brothers or sisters. I observed Dan
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area had a huge container of water. There were about ten different water play materials for the children to manipulate‚ for example‚ funnels‚ hose‚ cups‚ jugs‚ containers and animals. The teacher-in-charge would fill the basin with water before every play and after which‚ she would approach the water play area every five minutes and facilitate the children’s play. Observations Anna held onto the water jug and scooped water to fill her jug. She poured it out into another different container and
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Becoming Airborne Lub-dub‚ inhale. Lub-dub‚ exhale. My heart was pounding as if I had been running on a treadmill for a straight hour. Sometimes it pounded through my brain‚ other times out my throat. My stomach was clenched and buried somewhere near my ankles. It was hard to breathe. It was hard to breathe because my biggest fear was standing right in front of me. And the stupid thing is‚ my fear stood still. “One ride on the Wild One‚ Monica. Just one ride and you’ll get the funnel cake you
I woke up from my nap to the sound of the intercom stating that we were close to arriving at the destination.Before I knew it‚ the hyperloop arrived to Mexico City where I was being picked up by my aunt.I checked my pocket once again to make sure I still had my ticket to the soccer game between my favorite soccer team and its rival.It was a warm morning like any other summer day.However‚ today felt different from other days.I was excited to meet my family from Mexico again. Once I got off the hyperloop
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The summer of 2009‚ I arrived to the United States with my mother and two siblings for the first time. While I was looking forward to new opportunities in a country known for its liberties and opportunities‚ leaving my home and family was devastating. I cried every night because I was 1‚509 miles away from my birthplace. I was now in a foreign land and I could not identify with many people. That was the start of a brand new era. It was difficult adapting to a new country‚ language and culture. I
Supplemental summary: On August 25th 2016‚ at about 1846 hours‚ I was working as 5T76. I was dressed in full OPD uniform and driving unmarked patrol car 1151. I responded to the 8500 block of Dowling St to assist OPD units with the search of an attempt murder suspect. As I was driving to the scene OPD helicopter unit advised that the suspect (later ID as Christopher Malik) was hiding in the rear yard of 8515 Dowling St. Once I arrived on scene‚ units advised that the perimeter was set. I then