WRTG101S Introduction to Writing ) 23 January 2013 A social label‚ such as Goth‚ Punk and Nerd We really hate to be label as Goth‚ punk and nerd. As time pass we still use these 3 words to label certain people in the population today. To understand the true meaning of these 3 words will help our young generation get pass name calling. Letting young kids know its okay to be who they’re in today’s world. We must accept difference people in the world for who they are‚ and not what other people
Premium Meaning of life Rock music Human
Ms. Zielinski AP English Language and Composition 15 December 2011 Leonid Fridman’s “America needs it’s Nerds” Writer‚ Leonid Fridman‚ in his composition‚ “America needs its Nerds”‚ declares that the American connotations for “nerd” and “geek” are offensive and should not be used to describe those people who are dedicated to learning. Fridman’s purpose is to convince all of those nerds and geeks to stop being ashamed and accept themselves for who they are. He adopts a sincere‚ but informative
Premium Nerd World Wide Web
The Big Bang Theory: Nerds or the Norm? “Scissors cuts paper‚ paper covers rock‚ rock crushes lizard‚ lizard poisons Spock‚ Spock smashes scissors‚ scissors decapitates lizard‚ lizard eats paper‚ paper disproves Spock‚ Spock vaporizes rock‚ and as it always has‚ rock crushes scissors.” - Sheldon Cooper Curled under a blanket‚ fever raging through my body‚ and sleep is evading me once again. I flick on the T.V. Rampantly clicking through channels‚ relishing in the fact that my mother is still
Premium Big Bang Cosmic microwave background radiation
to change their views on these so-called “nerds” and “geeks”‚ Fridman incorporates compare and contrast‚ language‚ and rhetorical strategies into his writing. First‚ Fridman provides examples to support his claim by using the strategy compare and contrast. By providing examples that both support and give a two-sided perspective on the topic‚ the author succeeds in accurately delivering an academically backed argument as to why “america needs its nerds”. To show‚ Fridman compares the United States
Premium United States Rhetoric
first century athletes are recognized more and treated better than someone who is just an ordinary student or a person who is considered a “smart kid‚” or “nerd.” Just like Leonid Fridman states in “America Needs its Nerds‚” “Nerds are ostracized while athletes are idolized.” (Fridman‚ P. 256) Fridman states that he was what is now considered a nerd Media rarely reports on the person who made a cure for a medical condition‚ someone who starts a new business or enterprise or build ground breaking technology
Premium Education High school Teacher
“Why does America needs its nerds”? In the passage “America need it nerds”‚ author Leonid Fridman expresses his fear and concerns on why Americans needs their nerds. Fridman emphasizes his argument by comparing and contrasting American’s on-going social beliefs and misperceptions of nerds and the actual role taken on by the nerds and why the role that they play is so vital to society. Friedman begins with‚ “bringing to our attention”‚ the type of terms our society uses to describe the “intellectually
Premium Nerd
“America Needs Its Nerds”‚ by Leonid Fridman‚ analyzes American society’s approach on how it views its intellectuals. In the following passage‚ Fridman describes how American society should stop looking down on academically serious people‚ by calling them “nerds” and “geeks”. Instead‚ these individuals should be treated with more respect. Also‚ he explains in the passage how Americans stress being social and athletic‚ rather than being intellectually adroit. Fridman develops his argument that America
Premium Anti-intellectualism Intellectual Rhetorical question
how the obstacles of language‚ culture‚ and differences he faced when granted a Fulbright Scholarship to teach in Poland for six months helped him grow overall. Zygmont began the discussion with his own school picture and defined himself as a “space nerd”. He owned space patches‚ space books‚ and was “all in” with his obsession. He listed off many controversial events that have happened throughout the years‚ but Zygmont believed the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger that killed all seven
Premium NASA Space exploration Moon
evolution which affects every aspect of life including cognition and intelligence. The development of complex brains and advanced thought aided our ancestors’ survival and facilitated the progression towards modern human intelligence. In “Revenge of the Nerds‚” Steven Pinker articulates upon numerous reasons and evidence to support his main claim that intelligence and the mind have been constantly evolving through natural selection since the primate first entered the “cognitive niche.” Pinker begins his
Premium Evolution Natural selection Charles Darwin
Leonid Fridman uses word choice to strengthen his arguement that nerds and geeks are picked on and looked past because of the more popular people. He presents a strong‚ mad tone through word choice and form in the passage. He uses words like derogatory‚ ostracized and rampant to strenghten his arguement. His tone is strongly understood at line 28‚ when he says “enough is enough” pretaining to the way the nerds and geeks were being treated. The arguement of the author also
Premium Scientific method Psychology Writing