"Speech on reduce water pollution" Essays and Research Papers

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    Prevent Pollution

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    What is Pollution Prevention? Pollution is the contamination of air‚ soil‚ or water by the discharge of harmful substances. Pollution prevention is the reduction or elimination of pollution at the source (source reduction) instead of at the end-of-the-pipe or stack. Pollution prevention occurs when raw materials‚ water‚ energy and other resources are utilized more efficiently‚ when less harmful substances are substituted for hazardous ones‚ and when toxic substances are eliminated from the production

    Free Pollution Environmentalism

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    Air Pollution

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    English III February 3‚ 2014 Air Pollution Air is the uttermost necessary component for living organisms‚ yet humans take an immense part on polluting this resource. You cannot depart it‚ but you can help reduce it. Being one of the vast environmental issues all over the globe‚ air pollution needs to be regulated by the government for the reason of its negative impact on health‚ animals‚ economy‚ and environment. The first problem expressed is how air pollution is negatively affecting your health

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    Kinds of Pollutions

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    Loutfi Environmental education Pollution I. Definition Pollution occurs when pollutants contaminate the natural surroundings; which brings about changes that affect our normal lifestyles adversely. II. Why it is dangerous? Pollution disturbs our ecosystem and the balance in the environment. With modernization and development in our lives pollution has reached its peak; giving rise to global warming and human illness. III. Types & Causes of Pollution A. Air pollution It occurs when any harmful

    Free Pollution Waste Air pollution

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    Pollution Problems

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    Nowadays‚ many countries are facing serious pollution problems. These problems are caused by human activities and the areas that most affected are land‚ water‚ and air. However‚ there are some solutions that can help people and the environment. Land pollution is a major problem which is increasing day by day. In my opinion‚ the main problem on land is litter on the streets. Fortunately‚ there are a number of possible solutions which could lead to a permanent reduction in the waste. One way would

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    Pollution in Vellore

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    CASE STUDY ON POLLUTION IN VELLORE: SOURCES AND MEASURES TO CHECK IT. SOURCES AND METHODS TO REDUCE POLLUTION IN VELLORE Shraddha Sahu and Akshay Ahuja B.tech- Electronics and communication Engg.‚ SENSE‚ VIT UNIVERSITY‚ Vellore‚ Tamil Nadu – 632014 Email id- shraddha.sahu2012@vit.ac.in ABSTRACT: Vellore‚ also known as ‘fort city’ and a historical destination in southernmost India ‚ is one of the

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    Enviromental Pollution

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    Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by which people pollute their surroundings. People dirty the air with gases and smoke‚ poison the water with chemicals and other substances‚ and damage the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides: People also pollute their surroundings in various other ways. For example‚ they ruin natural beauty by scattering junk and litter on the land and in the water. They operate machines and motor vehicles that fill the air with disturbing noise

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    Soil Pollution

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    SOIL POLLUTION INTRODUCTION Soil is the thin layer of organic and inorganic materials that covers the Earth’s rocky surface. The organic portion‚ which is derived from the decayed remains of plants and animals‚ is concentrated in the dark uppermost topsoil. The inorganic portion made up of rock fragments‚ was formed over thousands of years by physical and chemical weathering of bedrock. Productive soils are necessary for agriculture to supply the world with sufficient

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    Industrial Pollution

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    of types of pollution. Industrial pollution is the air‚ water‚ and chemical pollution caused by industries. There has always been pollution. Industrial pollution began when our country went through the Industrial Revolution. Most all parts of the world are affected in some way by industrial pollution. Big cities with steel mills‚ power plants‚ heating plants‚ or railroad stations feel the direct effects of industrial pollution. The smog‚ smell‚ and contamination of food or water are some direct

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    Pollution and Its Control

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    Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into a natural environment that causes instability‚ disorder‚ harm or discomfort to the ecosystem i.e. physical systems or living organisms.[1] Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy‚ such as noise‚ heat‚ or light. Pollutants‚ the elements of pollution‚ can be foreign substances or energies‚ or naturally occurring; when naturally occurring‚ they are considered contaminants when they exceed natural levels. The major forms of pollution

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    Environmental Pollution

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    1. INTRODUCTION Environmental Pollution is the most important threat to the human race on this planet today. Environment consists of earth‚ air‚ water‚ flora and fauna. It means adding impurity which threatens the life of flora and fauna to the environment. These impurities are mainly created by man-made activities. The impurity can be air‚ water‚ land any sort of thermal radiation‚ etc. As we moving towards globalization there is rapid increase in industrialization and technological growth which

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