National Center of Educational Statistics‚ as of the 2007 to the 2008 school year‚ 54% of the United States public schools enforce a strict dress code. Also‚ from the Niche Blog‚ as of 2000 to 2013‚ dress code increased by 21%. School dress codes should be banned because “school appropriate” clothes are harder to find today‚ and not everyone owns “school appropriate” clothes. Some people believe that dress codes still allow students to wear what they want‚ and provide them with a sense of choice and
Premium Education Dress code High school
Adrian Iwaskiw Why we can not win the War in Afghanistan The most important international challenge facing the United States over the next ten years is dealing with the war in Afghanistan. The war has been going on for ten years and we have gotten very little progress. As days go by more and more American soldiers are being killed battling the unforeseeable enemy. In Afghanistan the United States is most likely fighting a losing battle. The War in Afghanistan can almost be compared to the Vietnam
Premium United States Iraq War World War II
Smoking Should Be Banned in Public Places Have you ever been out in public‚ and you inhaled a cloud of smoke from someone smoking? Smoking in public places should be banned; it not just only harms you as the smoker but also the people around you when you light up a cigarette. It is called Second- hand smoke. Second-hand smoke comes in two ways; side stream and mainstream. Many people may say that smoking should not be banned because it is a free country and that person can walk away or move. But
Free Passive smoking Smoking Tobacco
being taken advantage of and there are no exceptions. The only good thing about it is that you have bragging rights and you don’t get a ’’mixed mutt’’. There’s a certain classiness that comes with having a purebred. Puppy mills are wrong and should be banned. If you aren’t familiar with what goes on in puppy mills or what they are; it’s basically a giant enclosure of dogs that are under terrible conditions and are forced to breed with another dog of its same breed to be able to make a purebred puppy
Premium Dog Dog breed Animal rights
harmful and dangerous environments. By banning international adoption we are risking these children’s lives. Good morning/afternoon classmates and Mrs Roche I am here today to convince you that international adoption should not be banned. Thesis: International adoption should be permitted in countries such as Australia‚ which is filled with families couples that have been through all of the appropriate background checks‚ and still they wait to get the adoptive child. Background/rationale:
Premium Adoption Family law Family
Homework? Banned? Homework is so important in any type of school. It plays a huge part in your learning. It helps you academically. It helps you in college‚ and for working. Homework should not be banned because it helps you out in the long run for many factors. Homework plays a significant part of learning. In the article “Would The Kids Be All Right Without Homework?”‚ most educators believe homework can encourage good study habits. As you do homework‚ then take a test over it‚ you are regurgitating
Premium Education High school Homework
communities of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and The Giver by Lois Lowry don’t have books. How do they live? It seems very hard to a person in today’s society to understand the lives of the people without books. In Fahrenheit 451 books are completely banned. The protagonist Guy Montag’s job is to burn books so that others can’t read them. Jonas‚ the protagonist of The Giver‚ is the only person in his community
Premium Fahrenheit 451 Dystopia Lois Lowry
It is not for the government or any third party to dictate whether or not a person should be allowed to smoke. However‚ smoking does not only affect the smoker negatively. It also affects all the people around those who smoke because when people smoke in pubic the smoke travels everywhere through the air‚ and the negative effects of this smoke affects all living‚ breathing creatures. Therefore smoking should be banned in all public places. People who smoke in public portray a bad example. Children
Free Smoking Passive smoking Lung cancer
It is also believed that sunburns can essentially be the cause of skin cancer‚ particularly the deadly form known as melanoma. There is already a risk of getting the cancer from the sunlight let alone from the tanning beds. Tanning in beds should be banned for teenagers.
Premium Sun tanning Ultraviolet Sunscreen
Child beauty pageants should be banned Child beauty pageants should be banned because they cause children‚ especially little girls‚ to use artificial means to boost their self esteem. People were not born with makeup‚ spray tans‚ big hair‚ and false teeth. Beauty pageants set false rules on beauty. They make children believe they have to wear make-up‚ jewelry‚ wigs‚ fake nails‚ and other acessories to be beautiful. Every child is beautiful in their own way. Their beauty is natural and they shouldn’t
Premium Childhood Child Beauty