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    Abortion – Nip LIFE in the bud Introduction Definition: The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy is called abortion (before child birth‚ at the early stage of embryo). Abortion could also occur spontaneously due to miscarriage. But in this context we discuss about deliberate abortion‚ issues of it‚ current dispersion around the world‚ affected parties and consequences‚ legal background and ethical philosophies used in analysis of this issue. Description of the issue. Whatever the reason

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    Nowadays abortion is a topic that causes a lot of polemic‚ according to Deanne Durrett‚ “abortion consists on the interruption of the pregnancy through the expulsion of the embryo or fetus”. There are two kinds of abortion‚ the first one is the natural caused by the death of the embryo inside the belly‚ and the other is the expulsion which is induced by some methods that end with the life of the baby. The problem of abortion is a reality that happens not only in Mexico but all around the world

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    ABORTION INTRODUCTION New law in Spain: outlawing abortions except in rape cases or where the mother’s health is in danger. BENEFITS OF ABORTION It is a common belief that abortion is primarily used by women who simply don’t want a baby. While this reasoning can be true‚ there are other situations in which an abortion could actually be beneficial and even life-saving.  PREVENT MENTAL TRAUMA There are numerous situations in which an unplanned pregnancy can cause excessive amounts of stress and physical

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    This I Believe Speech Outline – Spring 2015 Introduction: 1. Attention Getter and Relate to Audience: I believe in the tapping of cleats‚ the thud of a basketball‚ the crack of a baseball‚ and the boom of a starting pistol. I believe in the roar of the crowd‚ and the silence of a pre-game prayer. I believe in brotherhood‚ leadership‚ and excellence. 2. Establish Credibility: As a child I spent my weekends and summers traveling to wrestling‚ basketball‚ and baseball tournaments. As I grew

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    There are many controversies about abortion. Many people in the world feel differently about this topic. Some are pro-life‚ the others are pro-chioce. Pro life is totally against abortion‚ pro-choice believes the woman has a choice to keep her baby‚ or abort it. I personally believe that abortion should only be acceptable if there is a health risk to the mother or fetus‚ incest or rape . The procedure also puts a lot of emotional and mental stress and trauma on the mother which is something she

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    There are so many prochoice advocates supporting abortion stating that a mother should have the right to terminate her fetus if she feels incapable of becoming a mother. But I say that is unjust‚ because if that woman chose to be unprotected and not use contraceptives then she should be held accountable to give that fetus life. So many women do not want to be held accountable for being irresponsible. I know it sounds harsh to say that a woman should give birth to the child if she chose to be unprotected

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    Allen Lin Stevens P.4 American Holocaust Abortion is not a personal issue‚ nor is it just a woman’s issue. It is‚ undeniably‚ a human rights issue. Accounting for more than 1.21 million deaths per year‚ abortion is the highest ranked cause of death of Americans.1 Today‚ abortion kills more than heart disease‚ cancer‚ respiratory disease‚ accidents‚ homicides‚ suicide‚ and cancer–combined.2 The number of American babies killed by abortion each year is roughly equal to the number of U.S. military

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    Abortion: Are you a murderer? Since the legalization of abortion in 1973‚ over 54 million unborn children have been killed.  That’s 1 baby every 20 seconds. Even if scientists could determine when consciousness begins‚ wouldn’t it still be wrong to distinguish a life? Some people believe that terminating a child’s life before birth is alright because the child has not reached consciousness; that consciousness is a state that occurs after birth. However a child begins to dream within the womb after

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    baby and tried to induce an abortion by jumping up and down.  “When nothing happened‚ I started banging my stomach against the window. It was painful‚” she recalled. Finally‚ Jocelyn lost her baby. The family lives on US$4 a day‚ earned by her husband.  According to a 2008 study (made public last week) by the Guttmacher Institute‚ a non-profit organisation which carries out research on reproductive health‚ there are an estimated 560‚000 cases of induced abortions per year‚ resulting in some

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    Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo before viability.[note 1] An abortion can occur spontaneously‚ in which case it is often called a miscarriage‚ or it can be purposely induced. The term abortion most commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy. After viability‚ the relevant procedure is referred to as a "late termination of pregnancy".[1][note 1] Modern medicine utilizes medications and surgical procedures for

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