Creating a Case-Base using CASL 1. Introduction CASL is a language used for Case-Based Reasoning. The contents of a case-base are described in a file known as a case file‚ using the language CASL. The program Caspian uses this case file to create a case-base in the computer’s memory‚ which can then be accessed and modified in order to solve problems‚ give a diagnosis etc. using Case-Based Reasoning techniques. When new cases are added to the case-base in the computer’s memory‚ they are also
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Definition of Trust Stephen P. Czerniak University of Phoenix‚ Troy Learning Center HRM 565 Human Resources Management Instructor: Charles A. Zajac Group ID: TRGRAD26 Assignment Due: Workshop 2 September 12‚ 2006 Revised September 21‚ 2006 Definition of Trust Much has been written about the subject of trust. For the purposes of this paper‚ we will consider trust in the context of forming the foundation of the relationship between a supervisor or leader and their employee. Since
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advantage‚ this being achieved through a distinctive set of integrated employment policies‚ programmes and practices (Bratton & Gold‚ Page 7). Human resource management has grown and evolved as a discipline since the years following the First World War. Personnel management began in this period as a fusion of two separate industrial movements: scientific management and welfare work. Personnel management has evolved from the goals of eliminating waste‚ inefficiency‚ and human suffering‚ to human resource
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manufacturing (Ramstetter & Sjoholm 2006). The first section of this paper will provide the definition of globalisation and MNEs and analyse the argument that MNEs are driving down working conditions and employment standards in low income countries. The second and third segments will
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CHARPTER 2 RIVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.0 Study of the existing manual HRM system The function of Human Resources departments is generally administrative and common to all organizations. Organizations may have formalized selection‚ evaluation‚ and payroll processes. Efficient and effective management of "Human Capital" progressed to an increasingly imperative and complex process. The HR function consists of tracking existing employee data which traditionally includes personal histories‚ skills‚ capabilities
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FedEx Corporation Strategic Audit May 14‚ 2004 MGMT 449 Prepared by: Clement Chen Lisa Duong Hideo Yang Marny Susanty Mario Vellandi Andrea Betro Forward: This company for this case analysis was chosen by me‚ Mario Vellandi. I found FedEx interesting because they are one of the top four logistics companies in the world with 2002 group revenues of $24.2 billion. Since I was studying the transport industry‚ I found them to be an excellent company to analyze while in Strategic Management
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HRM in a Changing Environment: The Challenges Today’s organizations are facing challenges upon following levels: i. Environmental Challenges ii. Organizational Challenges iii. Individual Challenges i. Environmental Challenges Environmental challenges refer to forces external to the firm that are largely beyond management’s control but influence organizational performance. They include: rapid change‚ the internet revolution‚ workforce diversity‚ globalization‚ legislation‚ evolving work and
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defined as a set of policies‚ programmes and practices designed to maximize both personal and organizational objectives. OBJECTIVES OF WIPRO HRM: * Effective utilization of the available human resources. * Organizational structure of relationship. * Development of human resource and rewarding them. * Compatibility of individual goals with those of the organization. * Maintain high morale of the employees. ACTIVITIES OF HRM * Recruitment. * Selection. *
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LOYALTY Loyalty can be defined by anyone but there’s only one definition of loyalty. Google’s definition of loyalty is the quality of being loyal to someone or something. The second definition for loyalty is a strong feeling of support or allegiance; fights with in-laws cause divided loyalties. My definition of loyalty relates to the first definition; however‚ it consists of more than just that. Loyalty means respect and competence pertaining to a certain
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International Human Resource Management in China The significance of culture in international HRM Managing Diversity Organisational structures in the context of globalisation HR 364 Management of international Human Resources 2004/05 Florian Kress Registration no: 04914686 Table of contents Introduction 2 The significance of culture in international Human Resource Management 2 Hofstede ’s five Dimensions 3 Power Distance Index (PDI) 3 Individualism (IDV) 3 Masculinity (MAS) 3
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