"Summarise the statutory and regulatory requirements covering the health safety and security for children and young people workers families and visitors in a play environment" Essays and Research Papers

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    Abuse and Young People

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    safeguarding and protection of children and young people | |aged under 18 years. This policy‚ combined with the associated procedures‚ provides guidance to all staff who may come across concerns of| |this nature within the context of their work for Ofsted. | Age group: All Published: September 2010 Reference no: 100183 Contents Part 1. Safeguarding children and young people policy 4 Purpose of this document

    Premium Abuse Bullying

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    health and safety

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    1.2. EXPLAIN HOW HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES PROTECT THOSE IN SOCIAL CARE SETTINGS Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974‚ the employer‚ the employee‚ and where appropriate the service users I support have a responsibility to ensure safety is maintained in the workplace. There are two accident books in the organisation: one for service users and the other for members of staff. It is important to record each accident that happen to me or that I witness. The books are reviewed

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    Health and Safety

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    What is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974? The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 sets out the general day to day activities within the Workplace‚ that employers or employees may face when they are working. It outlines the possible hazards and risks within the workplace‚ and ways to minimise that risk or prevent the incident from recurring. This health and safety law has been reviewed in 1994 and again in 1999 and says that good management and common sense is what is needed to be able to

    Premium Risk assessment Evaluation Assessment

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    Resilience of Children and Young People Unit code SCMP2 Unit reference number: F/600/9780 1.1 The factors that influence the well being of children and young people are: • Attachment Attachments are formed in the very earliest months and years of life. These have a significant influence on emotional development as well as providing a template for the child as he or she grows into adulthood • Relationships. Good relationships are really important for children’s wellbeing. Children have a deep

    Free Childhood Self-esteem Young

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    UNIT 6: WORKING TOGETHER FOR THE BENEFIT OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG CHILDREN 1.3: FUNCTIONS OF EXTERNAL AGENCIES I have a responsibility to help the children in my care achieve the 5 outcomes of the UK Government Initiative Every Child Matters (ECM) – Be Healthy‚ Stay Safe‚ Enjoy & Achieve‚ Make a positive contribution and Achieve economic wellbeing. It is important that I contact and utilise other professionals to help achieve these outcomes. This is

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    less violence‚ safer environment‚ to promote good discipline‚ encourage higher education‚ and lower cost to parents. School violence is defined as any physical or verbal attack on a person while on school grounds or school property. Violence in schools destroys such an environment and can negatively affect student motivation for learning. Many health professionals have labeled violence in schools as a potential threat to the overall health and academic success of children. Perhaps what is most

    Free High school Dress code School uniform

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    Unit 009 Health and Safety Activity Find out what your settings policy and procedure is on health and safety and where it is kept. Write down your understanding of this policy and procedure. At Highfield children’s centre copies of the health and safety policies and procedures are kept in the main office‚ in the head teacher’s office and in the family support office. Highfield children’s centre has a family support team linked to the nursery. The health and safety policy and procedure is set

    Premium Childhood Safety The Child

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    UNDERSTAND HOW TO PLAN AND PROVIDE ENVIRONMENTS AND SERVICES THAT SUPPORT CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE’S HEALTH AND SAFETY 1.1 Describe the factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services Most of the factors to consider when planning safe and healthy environments for children and young people come down to common sense. As everyone is an individual you will need to take in to account each child/young persons level of development and ability

    Premium Risk Risk management Safety

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    assignment is based on child and young person development. It will cover: * The definitions of development and how each area is linked * The difference between the sequence of development and the rate of development * What influences a child’s development * What support and interventions a child can receive if they are not meeting their milestones * The expected pattern of child development from birth to 19 years * Transitions experience by children and how they affect behaviour

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    1.1 Summarise key aspects of legislation‚ regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities. Teachers always have to protect themselves and the best way to do it is to follow the rules of the code of practice. Being a teacher makes me automatically an example for my students therefore I must not discriminate‚ abuse (physically or verbally)‚ dress inappropriate‚ and be late or messy. The Code of Professional Practice comes in support of all teachers as

    Premium Teacher Education Data Protection Act 1998

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