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    Deception In The Crucible

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    Evan Ferree Thibadeau/ English/ 11th 10/21/04 Although the sole basis of the Salem Witch Trials was deception‚ there were still the few skeptics who found hope of truth during the fabricated ordeals. The Crucible is a play by Arthur Miller that depicts the dramatized happenings of the Salem Witch Trials during the time of the McCarthy trials. In Miller’s play‚ the character Elizabeth Proctor is one of the only characters in the whole play who is associated with the truth in a time of delusion

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    Pride In The Crucible

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    into thinking the source of greatness is only found within themselves. Pride considered to be the most negative attribute for the reason of being the key to all other deadly sins. All in all‚ pride corrupts the common good. In Arthur Miller’s “The Crucibles”‚ pride foreshadowed the the downfall of Salem. John Proctor‚ a well respected

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    The Crucible. Marriage.

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    The evolution of John and Elizabeth Proctor’s relationship. In Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible‚ John and Elizabeth Proctor are introduced as a young‚ married couple whose relationship had a tense undercurrent. Their actions and reactions towards one another prove that they are at odds with each other. John and Elizabeth seem to be trying to smooth out the bumps in their relationship‚ but for the most part they only succeed in driving themselves further apart. Now at a time when communication

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    The Crucible Reflection

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    There were multiple texts we read in this English class. There were some good ones and some really bad ones honestly. The movie we had to watch was the crucible. It was about some girls acting like they were casting spells on some poor young boys‚ and they were dancing around a fire‚ someone saw them dancing and thought it was witchcraft. The girls act the whole entire movie and like twenty some people died‚ it was ridiculous. But in all honesty this was the dumbest movie I have ever saw in my life

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    The Crucible Theme

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    The theme of The Crucible was very meaningful and powerful.. The way it came about was by thinking of the main problem in the play. Then choosing the topic from there. Overall‚ the play talks about witchcraft.. Overall it just sort of factored out. Also a lot of the characters were battling each other lot. That kinda factored out the theme choice as well.. It was not based on something that was not in the book. So the theme is ‘Never Let One Thing Lead To Something Bigger’. The reason for choosing


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    Crucible Essay

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    Humans always want what they do not have‚ they try to deny it but it is inevitable. The crucible by Arthur Miller has many selfish people. First‚ people want thing and act selfishly. Second‚ People do selfish things when they want something. Third‚ others are hurt when people act selfishly. When characters act selfishly to get something they want‚ others are hurt. People who want things act selfishly. Characters act selfishly when they want land. Thomas Putnam wants everyone’s land for himself

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    The Crucible Answer

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    The Crucible‚ by Arthur Miller Act I Responses 1) How does Miller characterize Parris? How does Parris feel about his parishioners? a) Parris is characterized as a 40-year-old reverend. He is a cold‚ strict man who cares deeply for his daughter but does not always show it. b) Parris is paranoid that his parishioners want him to be replaced as reverend. 2) Why is Thomas Putnam willing to speak of witchcraft? How does Mrs. Putnam know what Ruth was doing in the woods? a) Thomas Putnam

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    The Crucible Summary

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    Search for Colleges Bottom of Form 1 /school-district//school-district/ "" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border: 0px currentColor; vertical-align: bottom;" ADVERTISEMENT The Crucible Summary How It All Goes Down Act I of The Crucible opens with Salem’s minister‚ the Reverend Parris‚ watching over his sick daughter Betty‚ wondering what is wrong with her. We soon learn that the entire town is buzzing with rumors that Betty is sick because of witchcraft

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    Injustice In The Crucible

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    people safe in court? Many people are falsely accused of a crime they did not commit and punished for it. What leads to this injustice? It can be because people have pride‚ greed‚ and hypocrisy driving them against others. Reverend Parris from the The Crucible had all the previous factors when he dealt with the Salem Witch Trials. Parris had was a very greedy man. He let greed lead him to his malpractice as a reverend. When Reverend Hale was talking to John Proctor on why he did not go to church Proctor

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    The Crucible: An Analysis

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    The Crucible “The witch-hunt was not‚ however‚ a mere repression. It was also‚ and as importantly‚ a long overdue opportunity for everyone so inclined to publicly express his guilt and sin‚ under the cover of accusations against the victims.” (Page 7 of Act One). These conflicts result and produce even more tragic occurrences. These conflicts are between either those have sinned and been accused – John Proctor‚ those who have been sinned against and accused out of jealousy and fear – Elizabeth

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