"Threshold capabilities" Essays and Research Papers

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    Two-Point Threshold

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    The Two-Point Threshold I. Introduction In the two-point threshold experiment it is obtained how close two distinct sharp point can be together for a person to feel two points instead of one. The value of the two-point threshold is the minimal distance at which the subject can feel two distinct points. The principle behind this experiment is the fact that mechanoreceptors are not distributed homogeneously in the skin of the human body. There are areas with a higher density and areas with a lower

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    Dynamic Capabilities

    • 344 Words
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    1a) Dynamic capabilities are abilities which enable the organisation to renew and recreate its strategic capabilities to meet the needs of the changing environment. It is the capacity of an organisation to change which enables them to adapt more readily. Sustainable competitive advantage relies on resources‚ competencies and capabilities evolving with the dynamics of the industry. Sustainable competitive advantage is achieved when an organisation’s capabilities are of value to customers‚ unique

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    3.0 Resources and capabilities This paragraph begins by laying out the theoretical dimensions: Resources and capabilities Definition of resources In order to get a deeper understanding of the concept resources‚ a definition can shed some light on this matter. While a variety of definitions of the term resources have been suggested in the literature of resources‚ this paper introduces the definition first suggested by Teece et al. (1997) who determined resources as ‘firm – specific assets that

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    Capability Audit

    • 668 Words
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    Introduction A company’s capability means the ability to innovate‚ or to respond to changing customer needs. Organizational capabilities are key intangible assets that make a significant difference when it comes to market value. Organizational capabilities are stable over time and more difficult to copy than other competitive advantages like product strategy or technology. A capabilities audit can show a company how measure up and how to build on intangible strengths to implement cultural interchange

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    Thresholds of Violence” is an article featured on The New Yorker written by Malcolm Gladwell. The article is written in regards to a young man‚ John LaDue‚ who has been arrested on several accounts which center around a planned attack on his high school. Gladwell utilizes LaDue as an example to portray the rising concern about gun violence in schools today. Gladwell is attempting to represent the minimal impact a person’s mental state and history has on his ability to commit heinous crimes such

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    Resources and Capabilities

    • 2482 Words
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    innovate is to die” (Freeman‚ 2005‚ p.266). We could define the innovation as “… (innovation) life cycle is an S-shaped logistic curve consisting of three distinct phases: emergence (the development of the product or service‚ its manufacturing capabilities‚ and its place in the market)‚ growth (where the product family pervades the market). and maturity (where the market issaturated and growth slows)” (William G. Howard‚ 1992). The satisfaction of customers are unlimited‚ they always want new products

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    What Are Capabilities?

    • 270 Words
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    What are capabilities? What must firms do to create capabilities? Capability is a capacity for a set of resources to integratively perform a stretch task. It represents the identity of the firm as perceived by both its employees and customers. It is the firm’s ability to perform better than competitors using a distinctive and difficult to replicate set of business attributes. The organization’s capability is comprised of three core assets – physical capital‚ including all tangible assets; technology

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    Dynamic Capability

    • 11545 Words
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    Strategic Management Journal Strat. Mgmt. J.‚ 21: 1105–1121 (2000) DYNAMIC CAPABILITIES: WHAT ARE THEY? KATHLEEN M. EISENHARDT* and JEFFREY A. MARTIN Department of Management Science and Engineering‚ Stanford University‚ Stanford‚ California‚ U.S.A. This paper focuses on dynamic capabilities and‚ more generally‚ the resource-based view of the firm. We argue that dynamic capabilities are a set of specific and identifiable processes such as product development‚ strategic decision making‚ and

    Premium Knowledge Decision making Strategic management

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    Negative Capability

    • 1116 Words
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    Negative Capability ’The concept of Negative Capability is the ability to contemplate the world without the desire to try and reconcile contradictory aspects or fit it into closed and rational systems.’ Keats was a romantic poet‚ full of intense passion and desire‚ yet shy and reserved. He was a young man with all the determination and melancholy of a teenager on a romantic quest to be among the English poets when he died. He is an inspiration to all of us‚ full of colourful language and imagination

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    Strategic Capability

    • 3502 Words
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    resources and competences and show how they are creating competitive advantage. This will be illustrated through the identification of the key drivers of competitive advantage. A strategic capability analysis of an organisation‚ namely Marks and Spencer. will be undertaken in order to identify which capabilities meet the criteria of value‚ rarity‚ robustness and non-substitutability. This study will be used to emphasise the impact of these key drivers which are likely to have an impact on the competitive

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