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    fictitious case. All names used in the document are fictitious Sample Treatment Plan Recipient Information Medicaid Number:12345678 Name: Jill Spratt DOB: 9-13-92 Other Agencies Involved: Jack Horner‚ M.D.‚ Child Psychiatrist Spring Hill Middle School Provider Information Medicaid Number:987654321 Name: Tom Thumb‚ Ph.D. Treatment Plan Date: 10-9-06 Plan to Coordinate Services: Phone contact during the first month of treatment‚ then as needed‚ but at least 1 time every 3 months. Request teacher to

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    Psychological Disorders and Treatment November 21‚ 2012 ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a psychological disorder that in large is considered to be an excuse for a child’s bad behavior. In reality‚ ADHD is a disorder that is very real and has many levels of severity. It can range from very mild to extremely dangerous. Most children that suffer from it have symptoms that range from lack of attention‚ impulsiveness‚ seems to bounce around from

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    “Alternative cancer treatments” Is radiation therapy and chemotherapy the best resources out for the fight against cancer?” Cancer has been around for most of human history. Evidence of cancer has been discovered in fossilized bone tumors‚ as well as in human mummies from ancient Egypt. Western medicine has made great discoveries toward cancer treatment‚ but I often wonder are there more efficient and more effective treatment options out there. In America most cancer patients

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    clinics in day surgery. The ‘one-stop shop’: tools and methods for practice improvement and service development. Practice Development in Health Care‚ 8(4)‚ pp. 239-252. GRIFFITH‚ R. and TENGNAH‚ C.‚ 2012. Consent to Care: Patients who demand or refuse treatment. British Journal of Community Nursing. 17(3)‚ pp. 139-142. KLINEBERG‚ I. and KINGSTON‚ D.‚ 2012. Consent and Clinician-Patient Relationships. In: I. KLINEBERG and D. KINGSTON‚ eds. Oral Rehabilitation: A case-based approach. Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell

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    (pg 605–638) Treatment of Psychological Disorders Modern mental health therapies can be classified into two main categories – favored treatment depends on disorder and therapist’s viewpoint Learning-related disorders (phobias) are usually treated with psychotherapy Biologically influenced disorders (schizophrenia) usually treated with biomedical therapy – prescribed medication/medical procedure that acts directly on the patient’s nervous system Usually patients receive combination of drug and

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    3. Describe the main modern treatments of abnormality. * Therapy now days can help change abnormalities. 7. Describe the current treatment of severely disturbed individuals. Contrast this with the current treatment of less severely disturbed individuals. - Psychotropic medications are used to treat severely disturbed individuals. Less severe disturbances use outpatient therapies. 8. Discuss the impact of deinstitutionalization on the care and treatment of the severely mentally ill

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    The Ethical Treatment of Animals A person for the ethical treatment of animals (PeTA) is an American animal rights organization based in Norfolk‚ VA‚ and led by its founder‚ Ingrid Newkirk (international president). PeTA was founded‚ March 1980 as a nonprofit organization. As of 2011‚ its assets are 18.02 million‚ with revenue of 31.81 million. Alex Pacheco‚ co-founder of PeTA is an American animal rights activist from Joliet‚ IL. Newkirk and Pacheco first became widely publicized

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    Ethical Treatment of Prisoners Syreata Survillion SOC120: Introduction to Ethics & Social Responsibility Nicole Hanner April 30‚ 2012 Ethical Treatment of Prisoners Some people believe the history of corrections shows movement toward more humane treatment of prisoners as society has progressed. At first‚ punishments for prisoners were considered a corporal punishment such as‚ whipping‚ beheading‚ dismembering‚ torture or even death. There was fines and dispersion of property‚ which was

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    NANOINFORMATICS (Nano robots In CANCER Detection and Treatment) A DREAM COME TRUE [pic] PREPARED BY B.BALAGURU D.MANIGANDAN III-YEAR-CSE III-YEAR-CSE panditbalaguruji@gmail.com manigandan8228@gmail.com 9655729357 9626083389 ABSTRACT HEALING THE BODY FROM THE INSIDE OUT CANCER -one of the most deadly diseases which primarily starts at the cellular level. To be more specific they start

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    Financial aspects and Accounting Treatment of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) At present‚ there is no specific guideline in respect of Accounting Treatment of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). In absence of such specific guideline‚ the Accounting Principles in respect of Certified Emission Reductions (CERs)‚ prescribed by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India in “Guidance Note on Accounting for Self-generated Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) (Issued 2012)” may be followed

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