The Leaders unethical behaviours in Organizations Leadership and Management in Organizations‚ 7‚5 hp Autumn 2013 The Leaders unethical behaviours in Organizations Introduction The ethical behaviour and the moral goodness of leaders has been a topic of analysis for centuries. The moral character and the ethical practice of the organization have become an increasing concern for leadership researches in the aftermath of the global financial crises
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Rationalizing Unethical Behavior N. Strawbridge PHL/323 November 4‚ 2014 P. Reynolds Introduction Classical economic philosophies suggest that man is egotistical and focused on satisfying his own needs. When people encounter difficult ethical challenges they often solicit the question‚ "What should I do?" It is naïve to assume that everyone retains a strong moral compass and does the ’right thing ’ even in small situations. Pinching a little piece of the pie‚ bending a rule once in a while‚ occasionally
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Enron’s collapse was the result of unethical practices; alas‚ such practices had a long‚ ignominious presence. The Enron story begins with CEO Kenneth Lay‚ who in 1986 combined his Houston Natural Gas company with several other entities. Until 1996‚ Enron primarily sold natural gas. Yet‚ in a sign of trouble to come‚ in 1987 Lay overlooked evidence of financial misdeeds in the company’s Valhalla‚ NY unit as executives Louis Bourget and Thomas Mastroeni greatly inflated profits while embezzling
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or legal fundamentals are breached or blatantly disregarded. Ethics is a strong code of morality‚ which for an occupation such as banking‚ plays an important role in the well being of individuals‚ businesses‚ national and international economies. Unethical conduct manifests itself in various ways‚ including insider abuse‚ fraudulent dealings; irregularity/inaccuracy in rendition of reports‚ these are problems bordering on business ethics as evident in the Nigerian banking crisis. A multiple regression
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many companies conducts patent infringement because the company has a lot to spend funds for research and development‚ and do not want unmatched by other companies. Ethics are rules that cannot be violated from both socially acceptable behaviors which are the behavior of "good" or "bad". While business ethics are standards of value which serve as guidelines for managers and employees in decision making as well as in running an ethical business. Ethics and etiquette are different. Etiquette comes from
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Unethical Research RES/351 Due November 12‚ 2012 My goal was to search for an article that regards unethical research in a field of business. The article I found is titled The Publication of Ethically Uncertain Research: Attitudes and Practices of Journal Editors. Before I read this article‚ I had not any idea about the restrictions of research in the media. From what I have learned through the article‚ there are many restrictions in doing so. For instance‚ the Declaration of Helsinki
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UNETHICAL COMPANIES 1) MONSANTO CO. The Missouri based agricultural company has been named world’s most unethical company. The company leads the world’s production of genetically modified foods. Monsanto is infamous for unfairly suing farmers who try to grow foods both ethically and organically. If the lawsuit is not ruled in Monsanto’s favour‚ they still achieve their desired results as the small-scale farms become bankrupt due to legal costs. The company is also the creator of the highly poisonous
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product can offer a certain level of value that‚ in fact‚ it cannot. E.g. the way lotion are made to portray light skinned people as if when a customer purchases lotion and apply to their skin they will also look like that. And further more on unethical practice are such things like expiry date not displayed on certain items. Some marketers do not display the expiry date on their products they offer and hence they make a heath hazard. Exorbitant pricing A key to marketing success is to engage
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TECHNICAL NOTES Unethical Practices in Nigerian Engineering Industries: Complications for Project Management O. E. Alutu1 and M. L. Udhawuve2 Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to establish the unethical practices in engineering industries and identify the various factors that could encourage unethical practices in the nation’s life with a view to highlighting the findings for corruption-free management of projects. A sample of 226 was randomly selected for the study from a population of 12
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Experimental Social Psychology 46 (2010) 922–933 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Experimental Social Psychology j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / j e s p Leader power and leader self-serving behavior: The role of effective leadership beliefs and performance information Diana Rus a‚⁎‚ Daan van Knippenberg b‚ Barbara Wisse c a b c University of Groningen‚ Grote Kruisstraat 2/1‚ 9712 TS Groningen‚ The Netherlands Rotterdam
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