The Missouri based agricultural company has been named world's most unethical company. The company leads the world's production of genetically modified foods. Monsanto is infamous for unfairly suing farmers who try to grow foods both ethically and organically. If the lawsuit is not ruled in Monsanto’s favour, they still achieve their desired results as the small-scale farms become bankrupt due to legal costs. The company is also the creator of the highly poisonous herbicide named Roundup ( a weed killer). This weed killer is both damaging to ecology as well as humans. A 2008 scientific study found Roundup can cause the death of unborn children.
The oil and gas company has been criticised for a variety of environmental and human rights abuses. Chevron has been accused of dumping 18 billion gallons of toxic waste into the Ecuadorian Amazon. Amazonian activists have claimed Chevron ran a campaign of intimidation against them to halt a pollution trial focused on the company. The oil giant has also been involved in human rights abuses with a group of Nigerian protestors campaigning against the company. Two of the protestors were shot by the Nigerian Army who had been transported to the scene by Chevron.
3) Freeport – McMoran
The cooper and gold company has been accused on infringing upon the land of West Papuans and oppressing their rights. In 1998, a lawsuit was brought against the company accusing Freeport of human rights abuses in West Papua. These abuses included; house arrest, death threats, psychological harassment and surveillance monitoring by the security forces who were employed by Freeport. The lawsuits failed because the district court ruled the alleged abuses were not a violation of the 'law of nations'. The unethical companies mining procedures still continue today, unopposed by laws and officials.
4) Phillip Morris
Cigarette manufacturer, Philip Morris is the 5th most unethical