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    Tactics to Look Out for

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    recognize tactical usage‚ you should be able to reduce the percentage of effectiveness that weighs against use. Tactics such as the Flinch‚ the Vise‚ and the Monkey are techniques that a beginning or experienced negotiator can add to their team’s playbook. The Flinch is when a negotiator allows himself to flinch at his opposing side’s proposal. The key to this tactic is to react stunned by the proposal presented before you. By your act of astonishment‚ your opponent should have feeling of remorse

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    The effects of negotiating teams. Journal of Conflict Resolution‚ 40(4)‚ 678-698 Roth‚ A. E. (1995). Bargaining experiments. In J. Kagel & A. E. Roth (Eds.)‚ Handbook of Experimental Economic (pp Thompson‚ L. L. (2009). The mind and heart of the negotiator (Fourth ed.). Upper Saddle River‚ NJ: Prentice Hall. Thompson‚ L. L.‚ & Hastie‚ R. (1990). Social perception in negotiation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes‚ 47(1)‚ 98-123. Thompson‚ L. L.‚ & Hrebec‚ D. (1996). Lose-lose agreements

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    Negotiation Quiz

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    of both parties.  67. (p. 12) What does BATNA stand for?Best alternative to a negotiated agreement.  68. (p. 13) What role do concessions play when a proposal isn’t readily accepted?  If the proposal isn’t readily accepted by the other‚ negotiators begin to defend their own initial proposals and critique the others’ proposals. Each party’s rejoinder usually suggests alterations to the other party’s proposal‚ and perhaps also contains changes to his or her own position. When one party agrees

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    Cross Cultural Communication Process Communication is the act of transmitting messages‚ including information about the nature of the relationship‚ to another person who interprets these messages and gives them the meaning. Both the sender and the receiver of the message play an active role in the process. Successful communication requires not only that the message is transmitted but also understood. For this understanding to occur‚ the sender and receiver must share a vast amount of common information

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    have a plan and tactics to maximize their own benefits in the outcome. There is a limited resource to divide out between the two parties and the way in which they are divided depends on the negotiation. Distributive bargaining is useful if “the negotiator wants to maximize the value obtained in a single deal‚ when the relationship with the other party is not important‚ and when they are at the claiming value stage of negotiations” (Lewicki‚ Saunders‚ & Barry‚ 2006). This describes a con of using

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    Chinese Negotiation Style

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    Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing Emerald Article: Negotiation: the Chinese style Tony Fang Article information: To cite this document: Tony Fang‚ (2006)‚"Negotiation: the Chinese style"‚ Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing‚ Vol. 21 Iss: 1 pp. 50 - 60 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/08858620610643175 Downloaded on: 08-10-2012 References: This document contains references to 76 other documents Citations: This document has been cited by 10 other documents

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    Specially‚ culture can influence negotiating styles in different ways‚ because negotiators who may come from another nation is different from us in language‚ beliefs‚ behaviors manners‚ Privacy‚ Food custom‚ time‚ thinking‚ value and attitudes and so on. Different cultures express different ways of doing business. Even though negotiators are well prepared‚ it is not so easy to reach a satisfactory agreement between negotiators across cultures. Negotiations can be easily broken down due to a lack of mutual

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    Conflict in Organization

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    CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Conflict management refers on the way how we approach the other party in a conflict situation. There are main structural approaches such as emphasizing superordinate goals‚ reducing differentiation‚ improving communication and understanding‚ reducing task independence‚ increasing resources‚ and clarifying rules and procedures. Emphasizing Supeordinate Goals The first way to resolve the conflict is to seek and find the common goals. The emphasizing superordinate

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    Positive Approach to Negotiation Chapter 1 – Introduction Negotiation in its narrower sense is an exercise of reasons and benefits between two or more people in disagreements who are trying to reach out for a solution to their on-going conflict1. This process of inter-acting and interpersonal can be on the personal level or at a corporate status as well as at the diplomatic relations between two countries2. There is negotiation simply because the disputing parties wish to create a new working

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    process which should begin long in advance of the expiration date for the existing contract. It can take between a few weeks to over a year to be completed depending on how difficult‚ controversial or simple the situation. According to the veteran negotiator Fritz Ihrig‚ 90 percent of what is accomplished at the bargaining table depends on the level of preparation. Leap acknowledges the importance of experience but stresses that careful and thorough preparation

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