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    Personal Statement

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    PERSONAL STATEMENT John F. Kennedy pertinently remarked- “Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” I understand this statement as one that holds to be true‚ given the current scenario‚ the world over. As someone who gradually learnt to formulate her thoughts and render an opinion on subjects of growing concern‚ I drew inspiration to be well informed from the extensive role that the media had to play in bringing forth such concerns.Choosing Humanities as my

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    Personal Statement

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    Personal Statement I‚ Muhammad Saad Iftikhar‚ have completed my undergraduate degree in Telecommunications Engineering from NUCES (National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences)‚ one of the highly ranked universities in my country. My previous education consists of Matric and F.S.c from I.M.C.B I-10/1 and I.M.C.B G-10/4 Islamabad. My school and college played a vital role in grooming and polishing my personality‚ making me a gentleman and preparing me for a successful life. As an engineering

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    personal statement

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    Liam Bluck Personal statement In today’s society‚ communication is everywhere ‚ but for me the best and most influential form of communication is visual. Images are a huge part of todays world and in my eyes has the greatest potential to document the factual or express the imaginary. They can stimulate thought and challenge opinions. In a world where we are becoming increasingly disconnected from ourselves and each other I strongly believe that images help to reconnect us all. No other form of

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    Personal Statement

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    PERSONAL STATEMENT Taking an interest in science in my junior class made becoming a clinical physician my one time ambition. This interest evolved over the years mainly due to my mother’s frequent ailments which made us frequent hospitals and clinical laboratories. I was amazed at the proficiency with precision instruments and technologies used in the microbiological laboratories. This amazement and curiosity grew into a burning desire to become a clinical microbiologist‚ and I know research

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    Personal Statement

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    Ivan Gonzalez Akune English 4:3 4 October ‚ 2011 Personal Statement The obstacles in my life have shaped and influenced my goals for my future. Due to the struggles I have surpassed in my life. I have set high goals that one day I will accomplish. I am proud to say that my parents have influenced my high ideals. Being a child of two immigrant parents whom once had nothing‚ has really motivated me to stay committed and determined . I as well as other first generation students

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    Personal Statement

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    Please use as format because this statement is already submitted with application to university admission. And if copied then you will loose the chance of getting admission straight away. Personal Statement Management has always been my ultimate goal and a desire to master new concepts and techniques has influenced my choice to start MBA program. I consider enrolling on this course to be a major commitment that will equip me with the skills and knowledge that will take me to the next step

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    Personal Statement

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    Personal Statement   I am a lady of 32 years of age and l am currently working as a care assistant at a Nursing Home and at the same time doing my course in Sciences Diploma. Objectively having considered several pathways l have been studying very hard with the aim to become a Nurse. You would find me to be astute‚ highly perceptive and sensitive to the needs of others. I am industrious‚ creative and imaginative l am effective listener. I work on my own initiative‚ l am punctual and reliable and

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    personal statement

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    My personal statement: Joel Opoku-ware I would like to study a course in Mechanical Engineering‚ becuase ive been very instreasted in the aspects of how engines work and im eager to learn more and expand on the knownledge i have already and be able to be apart futuristic and life changing developments.For a long time now i’ve been someone that always likes to know how things work‚ so i would always dismantle items such as phones computers and other sorts of gadgets and see how they work and then

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    Personal Statement

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    J Lin I would like to divide my personal goals into different stages. At this stage‚ completing a master program of accounting in an outstanding business school is my priority. Among all the ACCA modules I’ve taken in C University of Finance and Economics‚ Financial Accounting‚ Cost Accounting and Advance Assurance are those which I emphasized on and in which I got As. Also I was attracted by how detail-oriented and analytical the financial statement analysis and financial reporting are. The

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    Personal Statement

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    Personal Statement There are always going to be people in your life who have been good role models‚ who are very important. Most likely‚ parents are two of your role models which in my case it’s true‚ where they have been there for me every step of the way guiding me. Which‚ I’m just like them‚ where I have good responsibility and personality. By learning how to be a good person and to always try my hardest‚ I believe I am a perfect fit for college. By having good role models in my life I am

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