"Why i want to live in california" Essays and Research Papers

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    I never really had an answer when grown-ups asked me what I wanted to be when I was little. Did I want to be a Veterinarian? Maybe‚ animals are awesome. Teacher? I’d rather just learn. Astronaut? Only if they make space food tastier. Now I’m about to be one of many so-called “grown-ups” and I finally have the answer. I want to help people. I will help people. I am going to be a social worker. Social work was something I discovered a few years ago after reading some books that featured teenagers

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    to know what we want‚ and we think a plan for what we get. Your life goes where you send it. In my future‚ I want to be many things. One of those things is I want to be a plastic surgeon. I think I should help improve the appearance of this world. It is also a job that I want to get up to do every morning. To achieve this goal‚ I have to work very hard at school to enter a good school. Then I want to be rich. But I do not want to spend the money like Paris Hilton. Instead I want to use for my needs

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    Cancer is one of the leading causes of death among disease in children and adolescents. It takes special doctors and nurses working together to provide the best care possible to save these children’s lives. Pediatric Oncologist specialize in all types of cancer in children and young adults. A pediatric oncologist must explain the diagnosis and stage of the cancer with the patient. As well as‚ discussing all the treatment options and recommendations from the oncologist. Pediatric oncologist’s work

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    To consider the reason why I want to be a nurse‚ to some extent‚ it is because of my mother and my religion. When I was three years old‚ my mother was in a coma for half and a month in the hospital because of asthma. Since some of the brain cells were died when she lost consciousness‚ therefore she needed to rely on the wheel chain instead of walking until now. I could feel how challenging she was when sitting on this wheel chain for 16 years. I know this is a regret if the mother cannot

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    Why do I want to be a civil engineer? Until recently‚ I did not know the answer to this question myself. I was extremely confused when it came to choosing a career. There were so many fields that interested me that I found it difficult to make up my mind. Then I read about civil engineering‚ an occupation involving the construction of buildings‚ roads‚ and bridges. As I looked further into civil engineering‚ I began to like many aspects of this career. Civil Engineers play a crucial role in the design

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    The following essay‚ Why I Want a Wife‚” appeared in Ms. Magazine in 1972. In this essay Brady takes a satirical look at what it means to be a wife and mother. Brady was thinking of a longtime friend who appeared on the scene fresh from a recent divorce and was looking for another wife (263). It was in that moment it occurred to Brady‚ as a wife and mother that she too would like to have a wife. Then all of the duties‚ the equal importance and the serious points Brady argues is that wives are

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    all over the world go to college for a number of different reasons. Most everyone starts out in college with the same basic motivation: the want or need to succeed. Whether it is the want or the need‚ there are different reasons why someone strives to succeed. Some people want to succeed because they are the first in their family to go to college and they want to set an example or be praised. Some people believe that in order for them to make something of themselves‚ or have a great future‚ they have

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    Why I want to become a professional engineer? Nowadays‚ there are so many professions in our modern world and thanks to the progress and development of technology and science that list is constantly updated. But why I decided to become exactly an engineer? Of course‚ each person chooses a career based on their own interests‚ desires and goals in their life. Now I will try to explain all the benefits of this profession and maybe you will change your attitude towards it. I’ll be objective and say

    Free Engineer Engineering Profession

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    I Want to Be a Nurse

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    nature to want what I don’t have-nurturing parents. My parents worked very hard to provide a better life that they never had. I and three of my brothers were grown up with unhappy childhood. We never had time to play with friends‚ go to the park or even get any gift on our birthday ….All of us had to work after school to help my parents earn more money for food and others basic shelters. When I was in the middle school I had to do all of the housework and trading in the market for foods. I believed

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    specified in her text‚ “Why I Want a Wife” that having a wife would be great‚ and then she starts naming off many things that woman name that make a man very happy. She supports her claim by first talking about her friend who had recently been divorced and trying to look for another wife‚ then she starts talking about the small things that women do that would make a man want a wife‚ then she starts asking why wouldn’t she want a wife‚ and finally asks “Why wouldn’t anybody want a wife?” Judy Brady’s

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