Parents teach their children responsibility from a very young age. The statements "pick up your toys" or "make sure you clean your mess" are both some of the first ways that children are taught how to be responsible. In college, there is no one constantly telling students what they need to do or what they are responsible for, they have to learn for themselves. Much of the responsibilities from high school are carried on into college life. Take homework and studying for example. In high school, parents remind their children to do homework, whereas in college, students have the responsibility to remind themselves to do their homework. Classes in college are strenuous and require students to study and make good grades. In order to make get the material to study, students must go to class and have a regular attendance schedule. It is the students responsibility to go to bed at a decent time instead of staying up all night at a party or playing video games. Students have the responsibility to show up to class on time and behave as a college student would. Suspension would be an effect of not being responsible and behaving and would result in missing class, lecture time, and study material, which coud lead to a drop in
Parents teach their children responsibility from a very young age. The statements "pick up your toys" or "make sure you clean your mess" are both some of the first ways that children are taught how to be responsible. In college, there is no one constantly telling students what they need to do or what they are responsible for, they have to learn for themselves. Much of the responsibilities from high school are carried on into college life. Take homework and studying for example. In high school, parents remind their children to do homework, whereas in college, students have the responsibility to remind themselves to do their homework. Classes in college are strenuous and require students to study and make good grades. In order to make get the material to study, students must go to class and have a regular attendance schedule. It is the students responsibility to go to bed at a decent time instead of staying up all night at a party or playing video games. Students have the responsibility to show up to class on time and behave as a college student would. Suspension would be an effect of not being responsible and behaving and would result in missing class, lecture time, and study material, which coud lead to a drop in