"Why is atticus finch a good father" Essays and Research Papers

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    Mockingbird‚ Atticus Finch is a significant character as he is a white man who stands up for a black man in a time of racial prejudice and a strong hatred for negroes. He influences the views of the people of Maycomb‚ and his children’s development in the story. Atticus made an impression on me‚ as throughout the story he stands firm in his beliefs‚ and ultimately wins back the respect of society and his children. Before the trial of Tom Robinson‚ a black man convicted of raping a white girl‚ Atticus was

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    the story‚ Jem and Scout considered Atticus to be inadequate as a father. However‚ I think that they were acting somewhat childish. In reverse‚ Atticus is definitely an excellent role model and a good father for Jem and Scout. Firstly‚ Atticus raised two children – Jem and Scout on his own and was always there for them. He was affectionate with his children and he was always ready with a big hug when they needed comfort. Also‚ he was a loving and caring father who cared about their education and

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    a Mockingbird In To Kill a Mockingbird‚ by Harper Lee‚ Atticus Finch was a well-respected man and known for sticking with his beliefs. In the novel‚ Atticus agreed to defend a black man named Tom Robinson‚ who has been accused of raping Mayella Ewell‚ a white woman. Tom’s trial began in the summer during the early 1930s‚ of Maycomb‚ Alabama. At the trial itself‚ Atticus provided clear evidence that the victim‚ Mayella Ewell and her father‚ Bob‚ are lying. Despite the evidence proving Tom’s innocence

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    How Does Lee Make Atticus Finch a Heroic Figure in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird?’ Atticus is a lawyer and resident of the Maycomb County Lee based the character on her own father an Alabama lawyer who‚ like Atticus Finch‚ represented black defendants in a highly-publicized criminal trial. Atticus is assigned to represent the role of responsibility‚ he’s a single parent to two kids and shows mortality and reason in low even handed and fair minded he treats his kids like adults which is unique and

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    Atticus Perspectives

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    novel showed that not everyone sees things the same way or understands why some people do the things they do. Atticus teaches Scout that sometimes breaking the rules is necessary‚ Jem realizes with great power comes great responsibility‚ and that violence is never the answer. In chapter three when Scout gets home from school‚ she is ranting to Atticus about her day regarding her Miss Caroline and Walter Cunningham.

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    Troy Maxon Troy is a interesting character full of emotions which make him who he is. he can be a bitter character and sometimes quite unbearable. he is confident and sometimes overly confident and boasts a lot‚ showing impressions that he is trying hard‚ to hard‚ to impress people and this might make people think he is actually insecure and covers it up with overly strong opposit emotions. For some of the readers of this book‚ i can imagine that troys

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    Mockingbird‚ Atticus plays a major role in his children growth and development. He is a role model to his children and to Maycomb‚ one of the few willing to take actions against prejudice. His actions can be summed up in one great quote of Thomas Jeffersons These truths we hold to be self-evident: that all men are created equal‚ that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. Atticus does not approve of racism‚ and teaches his children to judge by character‚ not race. Atticus thinks

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    Atticus Courageous

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    jump into danger blindly. Atticus Finch knows that courage is being afraid of problems ahead and powering through this fear. On page 149‚ Atticus explains this difference. He states‚ “[Courage is] when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.” By this he means that courage is when one knows the danger that lies ahead‚ and they know how bad it could be‚ but they are determined enough to reach their goal. When Atticus

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    Atticus - Courage

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    she died beholden to nothing and nobody. She was the bravest person I ever knew.” The quote by Atticus expresses Atticus’ thoughts about courage. While Atticus believes that all types of courage; physical‚ intellectual‚ and moral; are important‚ he believes that moral courage is the most important of all. Atticus tries to show Jem this‚ and Jem sees that Mrs. Dubose was exceptionally courageous. Atticus doesn’t stand idly by his words‚ he adheres to what he says and acts upon his words. The novel

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    Atticus Monologue

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    “Come on‚” I whispered. We ran across the square until we were hidden from view. Why the heck was Atticus was hangin’ ‘round the jailhouse this time at night? Only thing ‘round here at this time were the niggers. But‚ I was proven wrong when shadowy silhouettes got out of cars in pairs and walked purposely towards Atticus. From our vantage point‚ the men blocked Atticus from view and they spoke so softly that I could barely hear them. Something… something about this situation was just… fishy. Yeah

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