Feedback is a crucial element of education which aids learners to maximise their strengths and weaknesses to improve their learning and performance. Feedback can be informal in the form of a general chat between teacher and student or even just between peers. Formal feedback can be in the form of an assessment or test. Feed back is vital to the ongoing development of learners and promotes confidence within the learner. Teachers must work together with their students on various levels therefore good communication skills are essential in order to successfully teach and motivate students. Hence, feedback is a necessary part of …show more content…
the teaching and motivating process. As each student has individual traits and personality, therefore the type of feedback given can have either positive or negative affects on the student. Taking this into consideration will therefore mean it is important to examine the different types of feedback and their effects on students. It is imperative when giving feedback to remain factual and objective. All assessments should be valid, authentic, current, sufficient and reliable.
There are various ways of giving feedback, such as formal or informal, verbal or written.
Ideally this should be a two way process however in every case it should be a tool to guide and motivate the learner. Feedback should emphasize strengths and offer developmental comments where necessary in any weak areas. It is imperative that any feedback should be respecting the individual student.
There are several opportunities for giving the most effective informal feedback to learners on a daily basis. This feedback should either take place at time of activity or shortly after. It is a quick and easy method to gain information and feedback as always should be positive and specific.
Verbal feedback can be given in a one-to-one situation or as a group, as part of a tutorial or in peer group situation. In this situation it is important to give feedback soon after completion of task, remembering always to give balanced comments of both negative and positive nature, always ending on a positive note. To avoid overloading learner it is good practice to only touch on two or three main points, concentrating on how learner can improve. Relate all feedback to the criteria set out and distinguish between different skills and take into account feelings of
Written feedback can be given on students work or on separate feedback record. Constructive comments on written work are more motivating than simple ticks. It is better to avoid a lot of red pen and crosses however all writing should be legible.
In conclusion with feedback every student will have the opportunity and information to be able to successfully self-monitor, gain higher achievement aspirations, encourage a greater self-satisfaction, and ultimately have higher performance overall. When an educationalist sees the advantages of feedback and offers constructive criticism along with necessary suggestions and help, teachers can positively impact student learning and help them to fulfil their potential.
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