1.1 Explain each of the areas of learning and development and how these are interdependent.
The EYFS has 7 areas of learning these areas are interdependent from each other there are 3 prime areas which are very crucial for encouraging children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, they are also for building the children’s capacity to learn, form friendships and thrive. There are also 4 specific areas which link to the prime areas by enhancing skills learnt in the prime area. The early learning goals are for children between birth to 60months these form the basis for a child's education. Not every child will meet these early learning goals at the age stated this could be due to a number of reasons such as English as an additional language may delay the development of communication and language skills, autism may delay communication and language, personal social and emotional, and physical development so the 3 prime areas. The EYFS also has statutory frameworks to reassure parents whilst in the setting their children will be cared for and helped to develop. By the EYFS supporting the child and setting to carrying out child led and adult initiated learning children will engage in activities to meet their interests and hopefully grow up to be confident children.
The following are the 3 prime areas of learning:
Communication and language – this involves giving children a language rich environment, to be able to develop their confidence and gain the skills to express themselves, and to talk and listen in a variety of different situations.
Physical development- this involves making sure children are provided with the opportunities to be active and interactive, to help to develop their co-ordination, control and movement. This is also about helping children to make healthy food choices and to understand the importance of physical activity.
Personal, social and emotional- this involves letting children to