The Globe pressed the question “But if the sport became soccer on ice, would that really be so bad?” The answer is yes, it would be terrible, hockey is popular because of its rough, gritty demeanor. The Globe and Mail also debated “The streamlined, beautiful game exhibited at the Olympics every four years proves that a purer version of the sport can exist, once the will to adapt is there.” This sophisticated play comes from bigger consequences, yes, but also from the pressure of representing your country in positive light. Hockey player’s in the NHL however play for themselves, their club, and in present day most importantly, their fans. Fans want to see huge hits, fights and goals - in reality the spectators are who pays the players therefore players must preform to their liking. Discussed was the fact that professional sports do remake themselves to eliminate harmful parts of the game, an example used in the editorial regarding hockey is the banning of spearing, but players still spear which proves adding rules don’t fix everything. Players want to impress their teammates, coaches and fans, sacrificing their own well being to do…
I have found that a person’s culture has an impact on which physical activities individuals participate in to stay healthy. Surprisingly enough, the public I interviewed all had a distinct approach to exercise and with these 3 completely different people, I additionally realized that the older one gets, the less energy one needs to achieve the exercise of their choice. All in all, these folks do have one thing in common aside from their varying ways of exercising – staying healthy.…
“I have no idea that being a professional soccer player will ever be a career option- I think it would be cool to be an FBI agent- but even as a little girl, I take soccer seriously. Nobody ever has to tell me to practice, because it is all I want to do” (Lloyd and Coffey 2). She even wanted to quit the game once, but instead figured that she had to prove the “disbelievers” wrong. “I hated him in that moment, hated how he squashed my dream.…
From my research, I have concluded that culture does affect which physical activities each individual like to participate in. Each girl I interviewed are different ages and cultures. They also each prefer a different sport over all the others. One similarity they all have, is that they all stay pretty active throughout the year.…
People followed famous players like Babe Ruth in baseball, Bobby Jones in golf and Howie Morenz in hockey. Media really helped sports in Canada. Newspapers promoted all sporting events and magazines such as MacLean’s used sports articles. Radio and film started to use sports too. Baseball was the most popular summer sport in Canada. Every community had a baseball diamond and a team. The National Hockey League was established in 1917. There were only 5 teams, two in Montreal, one in Toronto, one in Ottawa and one in Quebec City. Professional hockey was becoming popular south of the border, but most hockey players were still Canadian.…
From school yards to professional stadiums, there is a game being played that everyone loves. It is the game of soccer. It has a unique history and can be traced back to B.C. times. It has not always been a friendly sport and in some areas it was even banned by many because of the violence it would bring out in the players. However, with all of that, it is a game that everyone has seemed to embrace.…
The game of hockey originated in Canada as far back as 1875, and has become one of the worlds most popular sports. The sport is primarily played on ice and involves players using sticks to project a puck into the opposing teams goal net. Typically being more popular in the north due to cold weather, hockey is actually popular all over the world and is loved by millions of people. Being a fantastic and entertaining game, hockey unfortunately holds a reputation of being a violent sport and can be broken down into three categories: The fans, the players, and the nature of the game.…
In a day and age when physical activity has gone the way of playing video games, watching television and ordering take out, the end result can be obesity and disease. Staying physically active eating healthy are mainstays in having a healthy lifestyle. This paper will discuss physical activity and obesity and why the health topic is so important. Next, the paper will examine progress on increasing physical activity and reducing obesity rates and discuss the national progress on the Healthy People 2020 indictors. The paper will then discuss the significance of reduced physical activity and the corresponding obesity that comes with it. Additionally, the paper will identify initiatives supported by four pieces of evidence and or research while discussing the findings supporting physical activity and obesity. Finally, the paper will discuss nursing implications attributed to the Healthy People 2020 health indicators of physical activity and obesity.…
“It does not matter if its soccer, football, or futbol, it’s the game that brings people together” – Alex Morgan. Soccer is a sport greatly played throughout many countries in which world completions are held for every year. Soccer has changed for the better throughout the years.…
Soccer has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I first started playing I was four or five years old and am still currently playing for the Cape Coral Cyclones and the Oasis Sharks Varsity team. The game of soccer is a way for me to get away from all the stress and issues that I’m currently experiencing. When I’m on the field there is nothing on my mind except playing my game. Soccer has been a major part of my life ever since I was a kid and it has had a huge impact as well. Along with playing the game, I have also developed valuable teamwork and leadership skills.…
The setting I choose to do my ethnography assignment on was to observe an indoor soccer game in Yuba City. The arena where this indoor soccer game took place was named Champions Arena Indoor Soccer. This was not the first time I have been to this arena so I did have some background about the place before observing. One of my close friends was participating in the game so I figured it was a great idea to come support him and do my assignment. Although, I had been to this arena before and seen many soccer games before I have never played on an actual soccer team before. For the majority of my life, I played baseball. So for this assignment I wanted to observe the subculture of soccer and try to see if I can see similarities to the baseball environment.…
I come from a simple and humble family that had to work very hard to survive and progress in the united states. At a young age I remember losing my father from an unexplicable disease that not even the best doctor in the US were able to figure out. Even though this devastated my entire family my mom never putted her head down and played both roles at home. It was difficult to get over It, but I was able to refuge myself on the soccer fields and get away from the streets ,alcohol, and drugs something that any other kid at age of twelve would have done in those days. Soccer has helped me to make friends everywhere, win many championships, and push myself to my limits to get better at it. My father always wanted me to play soccer and be part of a important team.…
The Olympics does not have the money and drama that comes with the NHL, rather the focus is patriotism. The Olympic athletes are not playing for Money. They are playing for the people back home, the game, and for the first time they wore a jersey. In Canada people support their country and that means supporting Olympic hockey. Canadians watch the passion on the ice during the Olympics and become fans for the first time. After watching an Olympic game new fans are then interested in following the players from…
As my childhood gradually transitioned into my adolescent years, I was old enough to realize my dreams of becoming a professional athlete wouldn’t serve as a career path. By the time middle school rolled around, I slowly narrowed down by ambitious list of activities to the one I was most passionate about: soccer. Through the first awkward relationships, real homework assignments and horrifying threat of detentions, soccer was always something I could look forward to.…
All my life, i have been playing soccer. Everyone said education come first and sure I get that, but to me soccer is literally the most important to me. It’s like I can’t live without it. Whenever I feel emotional, sad, angry, or down; soccer is there. I never get the feelings of enjoying it with other, like teammates.…