Teachers may work with these professionals to directly support children and young people with their educational, health or social needs. Equally, professionals may go into schools to provide specialist training to teachers to enable …show more content…
The area SENCO should work closely with the setting SENCO, offering a range of services such as advise on quality first teaching, meeting individual needs, modelling of appropriate teaching strategies, support for assessing children’s needs, liaison with external agencies and providing training. The level of support offered varies between different Local Authorities. In many Local Authorities, the area SENCO works mainly or exclusively with non-maintained sector settings. In some Local Authorities, the role may be combines with that of and Early Years Advisory Teacher (EYAT), who also offers more general support in curriculum related …show more content…
They are often organised in teams and work in Tiers. Tier One being universal services, Tier Two relating to community specialist services, Tier Three services are generally multidisciplinary with a range of staff and Tier Four is a highly specialised service for the most needy individuals and include inpatient units.
Social Workers and Counsellors can help with family support and provide information regarding parent support groups. They usually liaise with a variety of professionals and are able to put parents in touch with other