Work activities on this worksheet should be listed by broad categories such as new productdevelopment, graphic design or sales, not email, answering phones, or running errands. Next, move to the Talent column. We're simply going to rate how talented you think you are on a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being no talent, 10 being highly talented. Again, if you've gone through the process of assessing your talents, you'll know that your talents are those things that are your combined gifts, loves, and skills.
Next, the Replace column is where you'll rate how difficult it would be to replace you. How easily could you find someone else in the available job market who could perform this activity well? 0 means it would be very easy to hire someone and a 10 would mean it would be nearly impossible to find someone else to perform this activity well for any amount of money. Next, we move to the dollar per hour column. Here we want to estimate how much it would cost to pay someone else to do that activity.
That may seem like a strange concept, particularly if you're working for someone else. Just give it your best guess. For instance, if one of my work activities is graphic design, how much would I need to pay a graphic designer per hour to replace that activity for me? I would enter that number in the column. We want to end up with a dollar per hour best guess estimate for each work activity. If you need help coming up with an hourly rate try taking what you think an annual salary for this