Features: They have an ellipsoid shaped serving area in the middle of the room where inside three or four cooks were preparing sushi. They have a conveyor belt going around the ellipsoid service area like a train track when different plates of sushi. Each plate cost 100 yen. They don’t have a cash register, they cashier just counts how many plates the customer at and then multiplied it by 100 yen. Advantages: Well for starters the owners daily operation is based on a carefully analysis information. The owner has a complete summary of demand information about different types of sushi plates, and this he knows exactly how many of each type of sushi plate he should prepare and when. It’s a family owned restaurant that runs efficiently, all the workers are consider family and they focus strongly on customer service. The store uses the just in time inventory control system, they have an agreement with the fish vendors to deliver fresh fish several times a day so their products arrive just in time to be used for sushi making. The owners and workers are involved in the total operation from greeting the customer to serving what is ordered. The 100 Yen sushi house is based on simplicity and common sense rather than high technology.
2. How has the 100 Yen Sushi House incorporated the just-in-time system into its operations?
Well instead of increasing the refrigeration capacity by purchasing new refrigeration systems they company made an agreement with fish vendors to deliver fresh fish several times a day so that fishes arrives just in time to be use for sushi making, making the inventory cost minimum. The operation is based on the repetitive manufacturing principle and quality control system “just in time system”. I believe this system is great as long as the pay attention to the sushi quality.
3. Suggest