Canon has good market in the world. Canon expands their business and diversifies their product at new market in other countries by investing large amounts on advertisement and sales promotion. Canon is impact that the analyst should put more weight into it. Canon will have a long run on this entity which is valuable. So, this statement will have short run on this entity remains same with long run. Canon is difficult qualitative factor to defend, so Canon has an east time overcoming competing institutions.
Canon applies new technologies every day with the chance of packaging also satisfy customers. Canon creates Innovative Technologies to Contribute to Business Solutions for Customers and for Society. Canon seeks Fundamental Performance and Advanced Functions, and focus on the Joys of Handling and of Taking Pictures. Canon also seeks R&D to Boost the Screening Rate for Breast Cancer through Optical Ultrasound Mammography. During Breast Cancer Examinations, the effect for early Detection of Pathological Changes and the Significant Alleviation of the Burden Incurred. Canon develops Mixed Reality (MR) Technologies that Merge the Real and Virtual Worlds to Turning the Virtual World into Reality before Your Eyes Using New Imaging Technology and Broad-Ranging Possibilities of MR Technology from Industry to Entertainment.
Economy In 2013, Malaysia went through its general election which caused a downturn in the economy. Due to this issue, though total revenues has increased for Canon. The total revenue increase in the year 2013 to RM15,089.22 which showed an increase of RM 5,152.34 from year 2012 which had a total revenue of RM 9,936.88 but if we compare the company’s total revenue from 2011 at RM 4,584.87 to 2012 at RM 88,610 the difference in total revenue would be RM 567.47. So, even though the company made profit in 2013, it is not as big as the profit made in the year 2011 and 2012. Due to the