After leaving the adolescence stage, young adults are not ready mentally to take on adult roles and responsibilities. Therefore the stage called emerging adulthood takes place before adulthood is entered. According to a survey, a large amount of Americans felt they were adult only in their late twenties and early thirties. During the period of emerging adulthood, many common changes take place in educational paths, jobs, love partners, and identity. Also, many people make changes their majors several times, and after graduating enter graduate school which delays settlement into the desired career path. Since young adults are always on the move, they move in and out of homes and resident halls. Due to unsettlement in career and being on the move, results in delay marriage as well. However, not every young adult around the world goes through this typical phase – emerging adulthood. Many young adults in non-western countries have no emerging adulthood. They enter marriage, parenthood, and lifelong work early. In low-SES families, young people do not finish high school or are unprepared for college, and are less likely to leave home, therefore emerging adulthood is nonexistent.…