The 1980 Referendum was the first referendum in Quebec on its place within Canada. Quebec was deciding whether it should pursue a path toward sovereignty. The Referendum was called by Quebec's Parti Québécois government and advocated secession from Canada. From my perspective, it helped shape Canada. It lead into a more united and peaceful country. "I must admit that tonight I would be hard pressed to tell …show more content…
The Canadian federal government has been described as the instigator of multiculturalism as an ideology because of its public emphasis on the social importance of immigration. The many examples of discrimination that arose in the course of the years is what sketched, constructed and transfigured The Charter of Rights for us to recognize and benefit from now. Baltej Singh Dhillon is one of the laps in this long run for equality and freedom. Baltej was a Sikh guy that willed to be part of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Duty in the RCMP required a clean-shaven face and wearing the uniform, including the issued headgear. As a Sikh, his religious obligation required a beard and wearing a turban. He chose to fight for his religious rights. In 1991, Baltej Singh Dhillon became the first member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police permitted to wear a turban. Dhillon's request that the RCMP change its uniform rules triggered a national debate about religious accommodation in Canada. In the time between this case and our present day, The Charter of Rights was reopened several times and is still evolving to serve, suit all Canadians and preserve their