I am not convinced that I belong in the accomplished community that surrounds me. I strive to do well in order to get approval from others. I want outsiders to see my successes, not my defeats. Yet, a person is not purely defined by their skills, one’s character is far more…
Is it possible for people to make comments about me for who I am as a person and not my outer appearance? This is the question I constantly asked myself everyday because most of the time I am bombarded with criticisms on how I looked. To put it bluntly, I, myself, have not met the body figure standard of what a Vietnamese woman should be. My family and relatives have always been saying that a Vietnamese girl should have a slim figure. Since I was small, I was that chubby girl, who loved to eat delicious home-cooked meals continuously and did not care about the effects of overeating. Everywhere I go, I would constantly hear comments from my parent’s friends and relatives on how obese I am and compare my figure to my cousins and friends’ appearance.…
People walk past me, glance at me, and fix themselves. They throw on lipstick and fix their eyelashes. Stare at me. Glare at me. Smile, frown. Repeat. They're unhappy with me. But it's not me who makes them look bad. It's their own mind playing tricks on them. They see something they're not. They see cellulite and wrinkles. An off-kilter nose. Small eyes. Big ears. But what I see is beautiful. I see glowing skin, a happy smile, bright eyes, and a wonderful life. So why do they see themselves negatively? Why do they blame me?…
In life people are always going to judge you on physical appearance. No matter what you do and how you try it's always going to happen.This is why a great deal of people feels so self conscious. They think people talk about them and say bad stuff. In the Outsiders by S.E Hinton they focus on how people judge Greasers and Socs. You can by when Cherry saw Pony she didn’t think he was a Greaser. In this I’m going to be talking about Judging people.…
Rea Sanka is a young girl who is known as the perfect girl in her school. Every girl wants to be friends and look up to her as their role model and ever guy wants her as their girlfriend because she's the perfect girl. Her biological mother died after she was born so she lives with her "father". Rea is just perfect in every way, she seems so happy on the outside but in reality she suffers a lot every single day. She has to smile to every single person, greet them with kindness and blah blah blah. Every day she has to bear the burden of not making a mistake, every second she has to put effort in everything thinking what not to do and what to do, she's been living like a machine obeying all her fathers wishes. I don't think we can call this man…
always thinking in how others think of their appearance. They are constant been forced to look…
They look up to their favorite celebrities and it doesn't help if these famous people shows a bad example about living life healthily and gives the wrong meaning to the word beautiful. A fat girl thinks she is not good enough in everything because her friends keep on teasing her about losing some weight. A normal girl thinks she is not pretty enough because she thinks guys would only want to date skinny girls. Because of this, they have no self-esteem and confidence in their own abilities.…
In reality TV and media, most women are portrayed at this and to even more extremes. The effects it has on women, especially young girls, as they grow up and feel as if they have to look and act like the women in the media, is an obvious issue. “As we progress through school, these attitudes are reinforced by our classmates and peers” (PsychAlive). This further exaggerates the fact that young children are getting this stereotype in their mind. The reality TV show America’s Next Top Model is basically a competition to determine which woman is the prettiest to be the next ‘top model’. There really is not a more obvious stereotype out there. When young girls or even young adults are watching these shows and seeing all these women dressing up and acting the way they are, they feel less of themselves when they are not the same. It is not only offensive to all the women that are not models, it is unfair that women tend to compare themselves to the models. This causes a serious sadness in women when they believe their appearance is not enough. Yet, women are not the only gender affected by stereotypes. An unfair stereotype towards men are the fact that all men are supposed to be extremely muscular or fit. A majority of magazine covers “often contain images of what the media defines as masculine” (“Unexpected Social Pressures”). Men reading these magazines have the same effect as women…
Even though we all live in a country that provided us equal opportunity, we don’t live in or have the same opportunities. Naturally people compare themselves to others that they see on the street or in stores and in some cases they look at how a person looks or how they act to figure out what class they belong to.…
As Oscar Wilde once said, “it is better to be beautiful than to be good, but it is better to be good than to be ugly.” Beauty has always been perceived to be a key part of society, which can manifest itself as insecurities. This idea is explored in Katherine Mansfield’s short story, Miss Brill. People are always watching and judging, unintentionally or otherwise. Mansfield demonstrates how insecurities may present itself under the perceived watchful eye of others.…
The me, me, me culture is unquestionably vogue. With last season's trend of subtle exhibitions of vanity quickly nearing an end, you should stop hiding those intense feelings you feel about yourself and make sure you do not hold back. First off, if you have imperfections of any sort, make sure you pursue any needed aesthetic surgery or treatment to obtain maximum perfection. Next, show how much you cannot get enough of yourself. Finally, constantly mention how much you intimidate both men and women, physically, verbally and mentally. It is necessary that you go all out to be properly vain and share the joy of your self-love with us all, by simply perusing the following tips.…
I am judged because I am a loving older sister to my twin baby sisters.…
The pressure to be perfect. The pressure to be skinny like a twig, the pressure to look like a model. This is one of the main problems in our society that is showing up more and more in this generation. Have you ever felt so bad about yourself, that you went to desperate measures? Have someone ever said something to you that completely made you think otherwise of yourself? One by one, more and more girls have been dealing with this. How so? Let me explain.…
During my short existence on this planet I’ve become the type of person that I have wanted to be. To this day, I hold no regrets about my actions because I know that every decision I have made in my life was my own, and whether good or bad I have had complete control. Don’t get me wrong, I do face outside pressures from circumstances around me; however, I consider those circumstances and continue to make a truly original decision. Although overwhelming, I have learned quite a bit from my decisions, but as the saying goes “In life you better yourself by learning from your own mistakes”. This tough way of life has brought added stress and difficulty; however, inspiration and happiness are easier to attain .…
Many people feel insecure about their own poor shape. They know they need to do something about their condition, but for a variety of reasons they don't. When someone comes along and "upsets the apple cart," so to speak, by reminding them of their own poor shape and eating habits, and the fact they don't do anything about it, they become upset. In truth, they are upset with themselves, but instead of using this anger constructively, it is often reflected back on the person that caused the feelings to surface.…