Write your thesis statement about the Effectiveness of Advertising in the space provided below. Include previous sections into this document before submitting this Research Graphic Organizer.
Choose a topic: Technology; Sports Equipment; Clothing; Food
Questions to research: Are advertisements aimed at teenagers effective? And, are they ethical?
My Response:
Yes, advertisements aimed at teens are effective because advertisers have learned to appeal to teens by using teens in their ads, as well as negatively impacting teens by making them dislike their image so they buy their products. The ads however are not ethical because ads are sometimes used negatively to get across to teens. Teens face a lot of peer pressure …show more content…
Are clothing advertisements for teens effective?
Thesis Statement:
Advertisers are beginning to focus their attention on teen consumers more and more because of the influence teens have on other teens, the growing efforts teens make to fit in with society, and their ability to spend more money on items because they lack paying life-time payments, and being an adult.
I. When teens see other teens in an ad they are more influenced to buy that product.
A. Celebrities also influence teens to buy products.
B. Advetisers use Ethaos for emmotional appeal from teens.
II. Teens feel the need to fit in with society in any way they can, and they feel the need to keep up with the latest clothing trends.
A. Advetisers use to their advantage that teens want all the new and cool looking stuff so they make their advertisements known through television, radio, billboards, and the newspaper.
B. Advertisers use Pathos to get teens to buy their products.
III. Teens make up a large amount of the U.S economy because they can spend all