I am a student of UCSI University pursuing B.A. Hons in Mass Communication. I am currently doing a survey regarding “the influence of Advertisement on teenagers buying behavior”. Please spend your precious time by filling up this questionnaire. Your feedback will be kept confidential. Your answers are valuable to my research. Thank you for your kind cooperation.
(** Please tick only ONE answer for each question.)
SECTION A: Background Information
1. Gender
Male Female
2. Age
18-20 21-23 23 and above
3. Race
Malay Chinese Indian others (Please specify____________)
4. Education Level
Foundation/A Level Diploma Bachelor Master
5. Monthly Allowance
RM 500 and below RM 500-RM 999RM 1000-RM 1499
RM 1500-RM 1999 RM 2000-RM 2499 RM 2500 and above
6. Do you do part time job?
Yes No
SECTION B: Perceptions on Advertisement
7. Do you believe in advertising?
Yes No
8. (i) If yes why do you think so?
(ii) If no why do you think so?
9. Do you think advertisement is important?
Yes No
10. Does these advertisement influences your shopping trend? Yes No
11. Which media gets your intention? Print Radio Television Word of mouth
12. What is the function of advertisement?
Proffer news
Entertainment form
Transfers belief and values to society
13. How often do you go shopping? Twice a week Once a week Once a month Others (Please specify_____________________)
14. When do you prefer to go shopping?
During sales Normal day’s When needed
Others (Please specify ____________________)
15. How much