Choose a topic: Clothing
Questions to research: Are advertisements aimed at teenagers effective? And, are they ethical?
My Response: Advertisements aimed at teenagers are effective, however not all advertisements are ethical. There are some advertisements that portray the models to be skin and bone, and this puts negative thoughts in teenagers head about how they think they should look.
Title, URL, and Date of Access
Central Idea
Teens in the Crosshairs: Is Targeted Marketing Ethical?
The central idea of this article is marketing targeted at teens. In this particular article, teens are targeted via Facebook, Skype and YouTube to encourage them to eat food.
Advertising to children: Is it ethical?
In this article, they discuss how advertising sort of tricks children into thinking they’re not “popular” unless they have all the topnotch products. They also talk about ethics in advertising.
Teens will listen to other teens in ads 1/28/2014 This article talks about how teenagers will listen to other teenagers and how this makes advertising to teenagers effective. It gives examples of the most and least effective types of advertisements.
Teen Marketing: Apple's the Master 1/28/2014
This article talks about marketing technology to teenagers. The main focus of this is how Apple got to be so popular among the teenage population.
Is Advertising to Teenagers Ethical? Media’s
Influence on Body Image and Behavior