
2 The Founding Fathers Interpret The Declaration Of Independence

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2 The Founding Fathers Interpret The Declaration Of Independence
In Wolf’s opinion, Americans only know the basic details about the declaration of independence. Americans do not consider the declaration of independence as important as how it was in the past. The reader can deduce this when she says “Since our attention is usually called to that opening shot, most of us think of the Declaration as being no more disturbing or personally demanding than a nicely HBO lit special of 1776”( Wolf 632). For Americans, the declaration means life, liberty and happiness. Wolf’s says “To most of us, nonetheless, the first clause alone in the declaration of independence” (Wolf 634). This leads to Americans to interpret the declaration as the right to satisfy their personal pleasures. Wolf says “We tend to think that …show more content…
The Founding Fathers related the purpose of happiness to individuality and happiness. The Founding Fathers interpret these two terms as a nation should work together as one individual. Defending the people rights and respecting the freedom of each individual. Wolf quotes the Greek literature “happiness meant the development of one's full power as an individual, and one's respecting of the sacred rights and consciences of others in a condition of freedom” (633). Each member of a society working together as one nation will do that your voices were heard. This will make a change in the society because this will help them to found happiness. However, the way Americans interpret this individuality and happiness is far from how the founding fathers interpreted it. In today’s society, Americans understand individuality and happiness as personal success or own satisfaction. Wolf’s says “we tend think of both as lifestyle opportunities- scope for personal preferences to play out upon” (Wolf 633). Also, Wolf says “In contemporary America, “happiness” is what you get when active your “liberty” to express your “individuality”. “Happiness today is often defined as personal satisfaction that stops with the individual, end even personal pleasure and joy” (Wolf 633). In other words, Americans apply the phrase first me, second me and lastly me. Everything should be accordantly to what they want and need. Sadly to say but Americans only think about them

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