1. Teacher says, Ch"One, Two" - Students' response, "Eyes on you."
2. Teacher says, "Eyes" - Students' response, "Open."
3. Teacher Says, "Ears" - Students' response, "Listening."
4. Teacher says, "If you can hear me clap once, if you hear me clap twice."
5. Teacher says, "Hear Ye Hear ye" - Students' response, "All eyes on the queen."
6. Teacher says, "Give me five" - Students respond by raising their hand.
7. Teacher says, Peanut butter" - Students say "Jelly."
8. Teacher says, "Tomato" - Students say "Tomahto."
9. Teacher says, "Ready to Rock?" - Students response, "Ready to Roll."
10. Teacher says, "Hey" - Students respond with "Ho."
11. Teacher says, "Macaroni" - Students respond with "Cheese."
12. Teacher says, "Marco" - Students respond, "Polo."
13. Teacher says, "One fish, Two Fish" - Students response, "Red Fish, Blue Fish."
14. Teacher says, "Silent Guitar" - Students respond by playing air guitar.
15. Teacher says, "Silent Wiggles" - Students respond by dancing around.
16. Teacher says, "Hocus, Pocus" - Students response is "Everybody focus."
17. Teacher says, "Chocolate" - Students response, "Cake."
18. Teacher says, "All set" - Students say, "You bet."
19. Teacher says, "Hands on top" - Students say, "That means stop!"
20. Teacher says, "Chica Chica" - Students say, "Boom Boom."
Classroom Rules:
Elementary Level
Class Rules Set #1
1. No interfering with the teaching and learning of others.
2. Respect personal space, rights and property of others.
3. Follow directions of all your teachers.
4. Come to class prepared with all supplies and homework complete.
Class Rules Set #2
1. Be respectful of yourself and others.
2. Raise your hand before you speak during a classroom lesson.
3. Listen quietly while others are speaking.
4. Obey all school rules.
Class Rules Set #3
1. Be polite, courteous, and respectful at