Create a booklet about safeguarding, which can be used as a reminder for people who work in the care profession.
The booklet must:
Ai Describe in your own words what is meant by the following types of abuse:
Physical abuse- hitting, slapping, pushing, pinching, kicking and burning.
Sexual abuse- rape or sexual assault, indecent exposure, penetration and sexual harassment.
Emotional/psychological abuse- bullying, shouting, swearing, controlling and ignoring.
Financial abuse- theft, fraud and pressure in connection with wills, property or inheritance.
Institutional abuse- the maltreatment of a person from a system of power.
Self neglect- when someone neglects their own care.
Neglect by others- when someone fails to meet someone's support needs.
Aii Identify signs and symptoms of the different types of abuse
Physical abuse
Multiple bruising or finger marks (especially in well-protected areas such as eye sockets, inner arms or thighs) fractures, scratches or cuts, pressure ulcers and sores from wet bedding, black eyes or bruised ears, welt marks, loss of weight, withdrawal or mood changes and reluctance by the adult to be alone with the alleged abuser.
Sexual abuse
Bruises, scratches or bite marks on the body, scratches, abrasions or persistent infections in the anal/genital area, pregnancy, blood or marks on underwear and abdominal pain with no diagnosable cause.
Carer seeming to ignore the adult's presence and needs, reports from neighbours of shouting, screaming and swearing, a culture of teasing or taunting which is causing distress or humiliation and no valuing of basic human rights.
Financial Abuse
People not being allowed to manager their own financial affairs, no information being given where consent has been given to act, family unwilling to pay for services even though the service userhas sufficient money and very few or no personal possessions
Institutional Abuse not being given the choice over