Task B Handout
Produce a handout to be used during a staff induction for an adult social care service of your choosing. The handout must include:
Bi An outline of what is meant by ‘agreed ways of working’.
Bii An explanation of the importance of having full and up-to-date details of the agreed ways of working.
Biii A description of why it is important that social care workers follow guidance about the limits of their job role.
Star Care Home - Agreed ways of working
Agreed ways of working is following policies and procedures within the care plan given with each resident and care plans within the Star Care Home. It tells you the latest regulations and rules how care workers have to treat people in a residential home. Care worker should know all about protecting the vulnerable- Code of Conduct. It is important that every care worker follow the company`s policies and procedures. Star Care Home will update it`s policies and procedures and care plans regularly as there may be changes in policies within the law. All workers will be advised of any changes. It is the legal requirement that social care workers follow guidance about the limits of their job role. It`s care worker`s duty of care to keep service users safe by following policies, procedures and working within their job role.
Assignment 206 Understand the role of the social care worker
Question Booklet
Task A – Short Answer Questions
Ai Explain three differences between a working relationship and a personal relationship.
6 marks
I can choose who I am going to be friend with but I cant`t choose my colleagues
At work sharing informations is limited. In personal relationship I can share informations
with people I want and it`s unlimited
At work am not allowed to argue or discuss interest. In personal relationship it`s
Problem between participants
Aii Give two examples of different working relationships in an adult social care setting.
2 marks
Carer and client
Carer and employer/ line manager
Aiii Explain why it is important that social care workers work in partnership with individuals using the service and their family.
4 marks
They can discuss what is the best for the client, set the goals, they can share
informations about the client and how is the best way to communicate with the
the client. Family can also provide useful information to support me in my work.
Aiv Identify three ways of working that can help improve partnership working.
3 marks
being fair
good communication
Av When people with different views, skills and expertise are working together, they may disagree about the best way forward. Identify five different skills or approaches that might help resolve conflict.
5 marks
Being understanding
Listen to different views
Being respectful
Avi Explain two ways you could obtain support and advice about working in partnership and resolving conflicts.
4 marks
Colleagues- their may have expeirence
External agencies (CQC, Social services..)- can give me an advice and support
I should be able to contact them directly or access support via their websites