Understand the Role of the Social Care Worker.
Task B –
Produce a hand-out to be used during a staff introduction for an adult social care service of your choosing. The hand-out must include:
Bi – An outline of what is meant by ‘agreed ways of working’.
Bii – An explanation of the importance of having a full and up-to-date details of the agreed ways of working.
Biii – A description of why it is important that social are workers follow guidance about the limits of their job role.
Chloe Randall
Bi –
Agreed Ways of Working are:
- Written objectives that set out how you are required to work
- Legislation + Best Practice
- Benefits the Employee,
Employer + Service User
- Enable you to provide a good quality of care
- Working with legal framework
- Keeping everyone safe from danger or harm
You Can Keep Up to
Date With Agreed
Ways of Working By
Attending Training,
Supervision ad
Appraisals &
Communication eg.
Bii –
Agreed Ways of Working
Can Be Found in:
- Your job description
- Your Staff Handbook
- Policies + Procedures
- Service Standards
- Codes of Conduct and
GSCC Codes of Practice
- Care Plans
Ways Of
They Need to Be Full and
Comprehensive because they ensure consistency, prevent harm to self and others and promote well being & the cover legalisation so there are clear guidelines.
We Must Follow Guidance About the Limits of are Job Role
– Biii because: - We must comply with company rules and regulations & legislation - Ensure work is done properly, effectively and safely consistently
& avoid duplication.
To prevent mistakes leading to disciplinary action or prosecution.