Student Numbers: 055-051-130
Date: Nov 5, 2014
Course: IPS355
Section: BB
Professor: William Weissglas
Re: Journal #4 – Active Constructive Responding & Listening
My co-worker shares an event---“I went back to China last month.”
My response---“Really!,that is awesome.I am so happy that you can go back to China.How was it ? Where did you go??”
My co-worker response---“It was really amazing! I went back my hometown and I visited some of my friends. I traveled some places too!”
Before, my co-worker and I just work together, we don’t really close. He told me that he went back to China.And then, I used the Active and Constructive Responding to show that I am interested and gave my attention to him. He also responded in a good way.I feel that he is better person than before. It affected our relationship become stronger and better.
My classmate from last year shares an event---“ “I had a really good day at the class today. It seemed that everything was going right. I even got complimented by my professor ”
My response---“ WOW, What did your professor say? What was the reason for the compliment? ”
My classmate response---“I got a highest mark of class in mid-term,and professor said that I am really good.”
My class mate and I were in same class last year.But we seemed talk less and less than before.Now, I used the Active and Constructive Responding I believed that our relationship is better.we will both share our good event in future to keep contact.
My friend shares an event---“ I got a job interview and I got the position. ”
My response---“ That so great!!!Congratulations! Can we celebrate? Tell me more.”
My friend response---“I got a job based on my profession field,that is minimum wage but it is good start to gain my experience in the field.”
Active and constructive listening skill works when my friend want to share a his happy event.I just actively listen to his response.he will talk and our relationship is better.
My mom shares an event over the phone call---“hey,son I passed G2 driving test.”
My response---“ That is good news,so proud of you,mom. that is all because your practice a lot.How are you feeling? We have to celebrate with dad!”
My mom response---“thanks,I don’t even believe that i passed in my first attempt.”
I am so glad that I can use my knowledge to improve the relationship with my mom,and It obviously she is happy to share her mood with me, It build a stronger relationship. And nothing is happier than I make my family happy.
My co-worker shares an event ---“I made sushi rolls, do you want to try?”
My response---“that’s amazing!I would love to try. How did you make them?? I don’t know that you can cook.what else do you cook?”
My co-worker response---“thanks, I learned to make sushi rolls on the internet. Because I love to eat.”
She is really impressed me because I am interested in cooking too.Because I gave her Active and Constructive Responding answer.I found out that we have same hobby.and it affect the relationship with my co-worker is better.