My life is oftentimes as tumultuous as the Thirty Years' War. For example, I am mainly preoccupied with college searching at the moment. In this sense, I am having a civil war with myself; while one part of me wants one college for one reason, another part of me wants to rebel and go somewhere else. Meanwhile, it seems, complete strangers take advantage of my indecision to "advise" me on where I should go. This usually entails a long discussion over why so and so's alma mater coincidentally is also the "most absolute bestest" place in the world to study English.
My History teacher gets big kicks every time he tells the class that the Germans were only confusing themselves by naming their country The Holy Roman Empire, after all, "It wasn't holy, it wasn't Roman, and it wasn't an empire". I get the feeling I'm just about that deluded when I actually think I'll even get into a college, much less like it while I'm there.
The Defenestration of Prague wins first prize in "the most morbidly amusing act" category. This occurred when the Holy Roman Emperor, Matthias, sent peace emissaries to Bohemia, one of the countries