1. Introduction to Woolworths Limited: Woolworths is an oldest retail company in Australia. Woolworth’s journey was begun on September 1924 opening a single basement store in Sydney’s Pitt Street. Woolworths began its fresh food stores 60 years ago but now it has 872 supermarket stores as of 2012, it is Australia’s leading liquor retailer, it has 294 hotels as of 2012, 599 Petrol outlets as of 2012, 172 General Merchandise (Big W stores) as of 2012. Woolworths is Australia’s giant retail company with just one competitor. It serves almost 28 million customers weekly. Shareholders have been given important status by Woolworths Board of Directors with good corporate governance. Woolworths has also supermarkets in New Zealand earning good enough profit. Woolworths total sales of all its operations in 2012 was AUD $56,700 million which was 4.7% increase from AUD $54,143 million in 2011. Hence, Woolworth’s sale is increasing every year continuously. Investment in Woolworths is very good worth due to its giant sales and it has strategic plan for more growth.
[1.1] Core Business and overview of Woolworths Limited: Woolworth’s core business is Supermarket stores, liquor, petrol, hotels and General Merchandise. Woolworths is Australia’s largest supermarket chain with 872 supermarkets operating all over Australia. In New Zealand it has total 161 supermarkets operating under the name of “Countdown”. Woolworths main priority is customers therefore they are working very closely with Australian growers and farmers just to ensure that the best products are available to customers. They make products available to customers on daily basis with low prices; in addition it also provides 96% of all fresh fruits and vegetables and 100% of fresh meat from Australian farmers and growers. This makes Woolworths king in Supermarket business and it also runs campaign of Australia’s Fresh Food People. In 2012 sales in Total Supermarkets