David C. Hutchison
Senior Member of the Technical Staff
Texas Instruments DLP® TV
Now that HDTV has established itself in the consumer marketplace, both consumer electronic manufacturers and consumers are beginning to ask what the next big technology for TVs will be. One new technology is 3-D Television. 2006 saw the introduction of several new cinema titles, such as Return of Superman, Monster House, and Nightmare on Christmas. In early 2007, Meet the Robinsons was released by Disney Studios. In each case, the films that were presented in 3-D retained higher receipts than those that were shown in 2-D. With studios like DreamWorks announcing that all future animated titles will be in 3-D, it stands to reason that there will be 3-D content available for home viewing in the near future. In early 2007, Texas Instruments enabled 3-D video processing in ® its DLP TV product offerings to its customers. TV producers such as Samsung and Mitsubishi have since then introduced ® the first DLP 3-D Ready TVs. This paper ® outlines the DLP 3-D HDTV Video Format and shows how stereographic content can be created using this format.
correct left and right views are displayed to the correct eye. There are many advantages inherent in using this approach to generating stereoscopic images. 1) One technical hurdle in achieving cost effective stereoscopic displays is that stereoscopic displays require two times the imaging bandwidth of the standard 2-D displays. For a 1080p television set, this means that two 1080p input streams are required. Current solutions to this hurdle are to either cut the horizontal resolution by ½ or cut the vertical resolution by ½. Using these solutions allows for the transmission of two images using the currently available bandwidth but sacrifices either the horizontal or vertical resolution of the image. The solution created by Texas Instruments maintains both the vertical and the horizontal resolution. This
References: 1. StereoGraphics Corporation. StereoGraphics Developers’ Handbook. Background on Creating Images for ® ® CrystalEyes and SimulEyes . 1997 StereoGraphics Corporation. 2. Hutchison, D. The SmoothPicture™ Algorithm: An Overview, 2005, Texas Instruments. Figure 5 – Adobe® Photoshop® desktop showing left view, right view, mask, and DLP® 3-D Format image. 5