Step 1: Compare your first draft and your final draft.
Step 2: Select the paragraph with the most revisions and edits between the first and final drafts.
Step 3: Follow the instructions in the boxes below.
Box 1
Copy and paste the paragraph you selected in Step 2 from your first draft.
Furthermore you dont think that people getting literally addicted to sugar like its morphine or heroin is a bad thing then you obviously have biast oppinion on the subject. The approach that is being taken may have a few flaws but in a general sence is a great way to do it. Its as easy as sunday morning, you're served less so you drink less. It makes complete sence why someone who is served a 24oun portion of a drink may drink the whole thing because its sitting right there in front of them. But as to someone who is served (what should be) a normal sized portion of 16oun will be completely satisfied and would not have taken in the extra calories and sugary content in the 24 or more oun. Of course this plan isnt completely perfect because places like 7/11 or grocerie stores are exempt from the ban as well as milk based drinks that can contain the same amount if not more calories and sugar then the sodas.
Box 2
Copy and paste the same paragraph from your final draft. Highlight the changes you made in pink. Furthermore if you dont think that getting literally addicted to sugar like it's morphine or heroin is a bad thing then you are worse then sugary drinks them selves. The approach being taken on obesity here is in a general sence an excellent way to do so with some underlining flaws. Its as simple as it sounds, you're served less so you drink less. It makes complete sence why someone who is served a irresponsible dietary 24oun portion of a beverage may drink the whole thing because its sitting right there in front of them. But as to another individual who is served (what should be) a normal sized portion of 16oun will be completely satisfied and would not