|Score=4/4 | | | |
|The writing |Clearly addresses all parts of writing task |Narrative writing |Provides a thoroughly developed sequence of significant |
| | | |events to relate ideas, observations, and/or memories |
| |Demonstrates a clear understanding of purpose | |includes vivid descriptive language and sensory details |
| | | |that enable the reader to visualize the events or |
| | | |experiences. |
| |Maintains a consistent point of view, focus, |Summary writing |is characterized by paraphrasing of the main idea(s) and |
| |organizational structure, including paragraphing | |significant details |
| |Includes a clearly presented central idea with |Responses to |Demonstrates a clear understanding of the literary work |
| |relevant facts, details, and/or explanations |literature writing | |
| |Includes of variety of sentence types | |Provides effective support of the literary work through |
| | | |specific references to text and prior knowledge |
| |Contains few, if any, errors in conventions of the |