1. Introduction
Accompanying with the increasing of global economy, the enterprise has created many new opportunities in the new economic situation. Market is developing and changing rapidly. As the competition increases, products and services become more indistinguishable, and markets become established, it is becoming increasingly tougher for companies in retailing industries to distinguish themselves from other stores. Simply offering customers with technical solutions to problems do not be sufficient anymore to be competitive and obtain and retain market share (Omar et. al 2009).As the expansion of the new product’s brand, the new form of marketing is emerging. Customer’s standard of demands to the products and service also increase to higher levels. The traditional strategy of selling and sales management of many companies faces increasing challenge to meet the high demand customers, therefore, cannot continue the success. The Coca-Cola Company, although with a long history company, can still occupy the first position in the soft drink companies around the world. Coca-cola has 125 years long term history. This is an iconic brand and the company that bears its name. From humble beginnings 125 years ago, the Company has evolved from one product of Coca-Cola to more than 500 brands in 2011. They have grown from selling a modest 9 drinks a day in 1886 to 1.7 billion a day. And the brand has expanded from one city in one country to availability in more than 200 countries around the world. With the above fascinating phenomenon, the questions emerged: how can the company achieve and keep so huge success and what is the selling and sales management that Coca-Cola Company applied to support such kind of success? To answer these questions, in this essay, we are going to explore the six critical drivers of the selling and sales management that the company adopt to achieve the success. The drivers are shown as follows and will be described orderly
References: 1. Omar MW, Jusoff K, Ali MNM. 2009. Salesperson Professional Selling and the Effect on Buyer and Salesperson Relationship. International Journal of Business and Management.4:43-45. 2. http://www.wildwestprisons.com/the-key-to-the-success-of-coca-cola/ (Accessed: 21 November 2011) 3. John F.Tanner JK, Earl D.Honeycutt JR and Robert C.Erffmeyer (2009, p.4) Introduction to sales management. 4. John F.Tanner JR, Earl D.Honeycutt JR and Robert C.Erffmeyer (2009, p.220) Supervising, managing, and leading salespeople individually and in teams. 5. Mission, Vision & Values http://www.thecoca-colacompany.com/ourcompany/mission_vision_values.html (Accessed:22 November 2011) 6. Coca-Cola Jcecek Corporate Social Responsibility Report (March 2008-Marchi 2009) Available at: http://www.thecoca-colacompany.com/citizenship/pdf/sustainability_reports/2008-2009_icecek.pdf (Accessed: 22 November 2011). 7. Sales Force Effectiveness Blog – Sales Process: How Managers become Coaches (Posted by John Kenney on Sat, Sep17, 2011) http://www.salesbenchmarkindex.com/bid/66659/Sales-Process-How-Managers-Become-Coaches (Accessed: 22 November 2011). 8. (Coca-Cola Icecek Corporate Social Responsibility Report (Turkey January 2007 – March 2008)http://www.thecocacolacompany.com/citizenship/pdf/cci_csr2007.pdf (Accessed: 22 November 2011).